EBay Kleinanzeigen Betrüger?
Hi, habe mir heute Tickets für Fußballspiel gekauft. Hab über Paypal Freunde und Familie bezahlt weil ich mir sehr sicher war dass es kein Betrüger war. Er hat mir seinen Personalausweis geschickt der mit seinem EBay Account zusammen passt. Er war seit 2018 dabei und hat auch eine gute Zufriedenheit. Kann ich jetzt überhaupt was machen oder nicht ? Bitte brauche Hilfe
Your payment by PayPal Family and Friends you have in the sense of PayPal yes Money gift made only for a family member or a friend and thus very conscious for your buyer protection; and you have also brought PayPal to the normally due fees.
PayPal will therefore not help you in any way because of your violation of their terms of use, which can even avoid you.
And classified ads also don’t help you because the none at all have further data of their users.
You can, of course, reimburse ad, but yourself where: the perpetrator should be determined, which is extremely unlikely, then you have not yet returned your money:
That’s what you can do civil law request or claim, cost risk with you.
As an alternative, you could also Adhesive procedures apply.
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You can show him and/or proceed civilly against him.
But what happened? Do not get tickets? Tickets have been invalid?
Hi gave him the money and there is nothing more, but keeps cheating and reloads the ad to cheat others
Okay. In addition, you can report the account to classifieds so that it may be blocked. Of course, this does not prevent a new account from opening names, among other things. But maybe they’ll fall less on it.
How do you know it’s a fraud? This will show the future.
Aside from that, I need 5 minutes to make a perso picture together. So no security.
What’s the problem?
you can bite your ass
Payment by friends/family you have no insurance