Ebay.de, Preisvorschläge?


Ich habe auf Ebay.de einen Artikel für 20 Euro drin, nun meine Frage

Jemand hat einen preisvorschlag gemacht für 25 Euro, ist der Versand mit drin, der wäre 10 Euro, da es ein großes Paket ist. Überweist der Käufer dan 25 oder 35 Euro an Ebay.de

Danke im voraus

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1 year ago

…is the shipment in…


Your price proposal refers only to the price of the item.Shipping costs and all other conditions listed in the offer of the seller remain unchanged.

Source: https://www.ebay.de/help/buying/buy-now/einen-preisvorschlag-senden?id=4019#section3

1 year ago

Tach :

the question is very unclear. I assume that you do not have “an article for 20 euros” but an auction with 20 euros starting price that no one has offered. Only then is that possible.

The price proposal refers only to the item, not to the shipment. As soon as someone offers the article, the price suggestion disappears.


1 year ago

Your description can’t work!

You write:

I have an article on Ebay.de for 20 euros, now my question

Someone has made a price proposal for 25 Euro

The price proposal must always be lower than the original purchase price.

Your eBay price is 20,- EUR. The price proposal must therefore be at least EUR 19.99.

You write:

the shipping is in it, that would be 10 euros as it is a big package.

If you use eBay, you should know that the shipping costs are always mentioned separately.

If you select the “Free Shipping” option, no shipping costs will be displayed.

You want to know:

The buyer transfers 25 or 35 euros to Ebay.de

The buyer hasn’t passed anything for a long time. By the way, he’s never turned anything on eBay.de.

Are you sure you have something to buy about eBay? I honestly don’t.

1 year ago
Reply to  heurekaforyou

Of course, the buyer can offer 25 euros per price suggestion.
The 20 euros are only the start price of the auction.
If the VK accepts, he immediately sold the article at this price without anyone having offered it.

1 year ago
Reply to  66trixie66

What you want to do together makes no sense at all!

I have an article for 20 euros in Ebay.de

Why should someone offer 25,- EUR if he can also have the article for 20,- EUR?

The 20 euros are only the start price of the auction.

You just say that. However, there is no question of this at all.

If the VK accepts, he immediately sold the article at this price without anyone having offered it.

Again. Why should the buyer make a price proposal of EUR 25,- if he can make the case for EUR 20,- SOFORT KAUFEN?

(What else would not work technically)

1 year ago

All good 😊, from the original question actually does not emerge, the hint is found only below in the comment.
Based on the assumption that the FS has not conceived the story, this form of offer was also the only possible explanation.

Instead of sending a quote, you could also choose the combination auction + buy instant, right?

Yes, or instant purchase with price suggestion.
Whether the FS wanted to offer a price suggestion at all, if you set an offer for the first time with an account, eBay has recently set the check for “Allow price proposals” as a default, you have to take it actively.
In this sense happy new year…

1 year ago

Good morning,

Now I know what you mean. The description of the FS was somewhat confusing.

have an article for 20 euros in Ebay.de

Better would have been:

  • Auction + 20,- EUR

Someone has made a price proposal for 25 euros,

I’d rather pay £25 voluntarily and save me a bidder.

Instead of sending a quote, you could also choose the combination auction + buy instant, right?

You were right – I was wrong. Fair must be fair.

1 year ago

‘Cause it’s about Auction with price suggestion option goes!
This clearly emerges from the FS commentary below:

But it is so, must also look again as I am somewhat confused, so my question here, the ad is at auction

As long as no one has yet given a bid, the price suggestion option is active and the seller can sell the item via this function.
For the 20 euro, the buyer cannot buy the item immediately, which is the price of the auction chosen by the FS. This could not be the case offer. And if he needs the article quickly or wants to secure it without having to go around with other bidders, then he offers the amount he wants to spend maximum as a price suggestion.
This is completely normal, precisely for this is the option “Auction with Price Proposal”.

1 year ago

The amount of the “price proposal” is always OHNE the shipping costs. They will only be added when payment is made.

1 year ago

At €20 you can not propose €25.

And shipping is paid extra to the proposal you have specified.

1 year ago
Reply to  hallozusamme77

Of course, the buyer can offer 25 euros per price suggestion.
The 20 euros are only the start price of the auction. If you accept, you immediately sold the article for 25 Euros, without anyone offering it.
The shipping costs specified by you are also included, so a total of 35 euros will be charged to you, which eBay will transfer to you.