EA Play für Mac?
Hey! Ich schau mir grad ein Spiel an, das laut Origin auch auf dem MacBook spielbar ist. Aber dann seh ich diesen Hinweis auf Origin über EA Play (siehe Bild), und jetzt bin ich verwirrt.
Ich würde schon Mitglied werden, frag mich aber ob EA Play auch auf dem Mac funktioniert, weil da steht “Nur für PC.” Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob das auch für MacBooks gilt bzw. ob ein MacBook für Spieleplattformen als PC gilt.
The EA Play FAQ (Steam version) is a bit confusing about the topic.
On the one hand, incompatibility is specified.
This means that it works with the Mac at least on Steam. Probably also with Origin. It is, of course, presupposes that there is also the game for MacOS. The selection of games will be limited due to MacOS.
What happens if you want to purchase the game on the Origin on Mac? Will the EA Play be offered as a purchase? If it is really incompatible, EA should also remove it from the application there.
Since EA Play is also compatible with XBox or PlayStation, Mac could also include PC definitions.
There are EA Play not yet for Mac, but will only appear shortly. “Only for PC” does not mean Macs that one would perform separately. Even if the game will later be playable under macOS, it will last until the Mac release.
It can also be a good opportunity for EA to calculate it on the platform. Speak a subscription either for PC or Mac, as well as one in which both are included. I think you’ll be more exact after the release.
What brings me together is the following: So far I have played my EA games about Origin on my Mac. The article you link is about the EA App, which is the successor of Origin as a platform. But EA Play is a subscription model that allows you to access games, and that will be advertised on Origin every purchase.
On your Mac, Origin will be replaced by the EA App and until it is waiting. Expect because it will only be clear if, to what extent and under what conditions the EA Play subscription applies.
I also know it from other providers whose software, licenses and subscriptions. Some people don’t pay any extra charge, others charge the cross-platform offer extra or each platform needs to be paid individually.