E38 7er kosten 2023?
Gude! Ich will mir meinen Traum erfüllen und mir endlich einen 7er e38 kaufen!
Meine Frage : welche Kosten kommen auf mich insgesamt zu (reifen,bremsen,steuern,Versicherung etc…)
Denke das mich das Auto selbst um die 5000 kosten wird , was für eine Summe sollte ich für Reparaturen und sonstige Ausgaben bereit stellen ?
Ist der Hobel mit 10 Tsd gut bedient oder sollte ich mehr einplanen
Gruß aus hessen!
Greeting from NRW!
The E38 is really a nice car – but also cost-intensive.
With the M52B28 series hexagon with 2.8 liters capacity and around 190 hp, the plano comes from the spot and is a silk-soft BMW-6 cylinder.
For the 7er, however, the V8 is also a beautiful motorization – with the 735 or the 740 you do not make much wrong.
The twelve-cylinder can quickly become a groschengrab.
It’s important that you look at the maintenance history. In my opinion, the V8 and V12 are particularly important for a complete maintenance certificate. The R6 have been standard from the 3’s to the 5’s and can also be well maintained and even repaired.
I expect to pay €2000 per year for such “old” cars. It can go well for a long time and yet you have inspection costs, TÜV and small repairs. And then there’s a bigger construction site that might pull you out of the wallet from now on to 2 or 3 thousand.