E34 oder andere Autos mit H Zulassung?

Servus, kann man sich ein Auto wie einen e34 mit H Zulassung vom Unterhalt her als Azubi leisten?

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6 months ago

As an apprentice, this is difficult – at least in terms of BMW E34, Mercedes and the like, or exotic models or the Opels that are solid, but sooner or later need bodywork. The Golf II is usually far too expensive, the Polo II is cool, but also very small – you have to.

But I could recommend an Audi 80 B3 myself (with 90 hp). This is the ideal classic car for everyday life and the Audi 80 is also inexpensive. The cars are also affordable in good condition, also very robust, economical, very munter to move (although 70 hp is enough) and reliable. There are always well-preserved reindeer cars with a checkbook (like mine, which cost 2022 800 euros). Since the 80 is fully galvanized, it only rusts very little or in the ideal case not at all. The costs can be overlooked, the Audi 80 with 70 to 90 hp can also be set up as an azuub if you are not a permanent player at Ebay and are not travelling on three parties every weekend. As an Azubi (industrial businessman) had an Audi 100 C3 with 90 hp, even that was possible – despite the Euro 1 tax class and then close to 300 Euronen tax per year, H approval was not yet available for the then.

6 months ago

What’s the H sign? The E34 is more favorable with cold-running regulator depending on the motorization with normal application than with H-lane signs. And you don’t get a cheaper old-timer insurance. For this purpose, you must have a certain minimum age for most insurance companies (idr. 24) and a daily vehicle.

But yes, even as an apprentice you can afford an E34. If you get enough training allowance, stay at Hotel Mama and take the percentages from a relative. But even then, depending on the average driving performance, you can count on three-digit costs per month.