E Zigarette ohne Nickel?

Meine Mutter möchte mit dem rauchen aufhören und sich das bisschen vereinfachen indem sie auf die E Zigarette umsteigt. Sie hat allerdings eine Nickel Allergie und deswegen wollte ich fragen ob es E Zigaretten gibt ohne Nickel und wenn ja wo kann man so welche kaufen? Danke im Vorraus

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1 year ago

Nickel is frequently used in the heating wires.

NI or NICr wires and also V2A/V4A fall away.

Since titanium is very rarely commercially available, only Kanthal A1 remains (iron chrome aluminum alloy).

where can you buy them?

In every reasonable business. And there are also suitable advice.

And if you tell them the nickel allergy, the Kanthal A1-Coils will suggest.

1 year ago

Hello Pinkman66,

E-cigarette without nickel?

Nickel allergies are not a problem in steaming. A friend also allergic to nickel, belt buckles, wristbands of watches, etc…

With their e-cigarettes there has never been a problem and she has been evaporating every day for 7 years.

My mother wants to stop smoking and make a little easier by moving to the E cigarette.

A very reasonable idea.

The most important point for a successful and sustainable transition is an e-cigarette with a nicotine liquid adapted to the device.

The nicotine concentration should be relatively high at the beginning, but tuned to the device. Then, but only then, the withdrawal symptoms are omitted and a change is almost child-friendly. Nevertheless, the will for a change must be present. You should also avoid switching, but change immediately and completely. Desto higher is the success rate.

Don’t worry about nicotine. Nicotine is an actually harmless substance that has more positive, than negative properties. At a change, nicotine is not an enemy, but a friend. After the last cigarette, a tobacco dependence built up by smoking gradually decreases, although nicotine continues to be consumed.

Good to you… and stay healthy.

Greeting, RayAnderson 😉

1 year ago

I also have a nickel allergy, but this is one Contactallergy. I own a battery carrier, which is obviously nickel-plated when I use one day, I get pimples and skin irritations.

From the heating materials there is no danger, I only use stainless steel mesh (CrNi steel).

1 year ago

It’s bullshit!

Either you stop or not; it doesn’t bring anything to replace the one crap with another!