E Zigarette nikotin menge?

Ich rauche normalerweise 20mg liquid jetzt seit ein halben Monat rauche ich 18mg liquid und meine frage ist es wenn ich 18mg liquid rauche ist es genauso so schädlicher wie wenn ich jetzt 20mg rauche? Bin kein Experte was das angeht. Bitte Keine dummen Antworten. LG

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1 year ago

yes… smoking is always harmful, whether nicotine is in it or not. Especially when you’re torching this filthy plastic waste, because your kids are called “Vape”.

Nicotine is in normal dosages for NORMALGESUNDE RELATIV unharmful and in “dosing” it is less important to know how much nicotine is in the liquid, but how much you consume it. 2ml of your 20’s is less than 20ml of a 3’s but more than 5ml of a 6’s liquid…

Whether and how nicotine works in children and adolescents in growth, nobody can tell you – from that: since you seem to be no 18 yet, let it stay better, especially since you are not allowed to buy this special waste legally and the attempt to do it is a crime: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/stgb/_26.html

1 year ago
Reply to  FOSAA

Then tell him that e-cigarettes are not smoked because this is already physically completely impossible. And if he found out the difference between smoke and steam, he should remove the term “smoke” in conjunction with e-cigarettes from his vocabulary. Even more clearly, you cannot demonstrate that you have no idea about e-cigarettes.

1 year ago

Hahahaha, yes it is.

But it’s better than tilting.