E-Zigarette brennt?
ich hab mir eine e zigarette geholt hab jz schon 10x coils gewechselt weil es verbrennt schmeckt (aspire nautilus 2s mit 0,7ohm).
ich hab alles beachtet wenn man den coil wechselt und sogar 1 stunde gewartet ..und mit niedrieger wattzahl angefangen aber es schmeckt trotzdem verbrennt.
was mache ich falsch??danke
Can you regulate the power (watt)? If so, look on the coil, WAS THE CAN and judge yourself and don’t just put anything in. As good as garkein finished coil can use the power that a battery carrier can output.
Start testing ENTER of the lowest recommendation… They always apply to the respective OPTIMALE train behavior and if you are e.g. does not pull strong enough, the coil gets too little cooling and it collifies despite low power. Conversely, however, it is also possible to pull harder than planned and have more cooling and then need more power… that’s not the case with you.