E Starter Nachrüsten und tunen?

hi ich habe einen 6,5 Ps eberth Motor mit 198 ccm und würde gerne einen e starter Nachrüsten. Ist das möglich? Außerdem würde ich gerne ungefähr 1 bis 2 so mehr Leistung haben, geht das?

vielen dank an jeden der mir hilft

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2 years ago

Maybe go.

The engine is similar to the Honda.

I have already seen honda engines in such moped cars (the parts for the pensioners), where an electric starter was mounted at the point of the tank. Somewhere behind it was a small light machine flanged.

The components, including drivers, would have to be there somewhere. That was not a single production.

2 years ago


These are stationary motors for installation, for example in generators or lawn mowers etc.

The stronger version costs us in Switzerland ridiculous CHF 160.- than just 20 CHF more than your execution. It is not obvious whether direct current is supplied at all, which could supply an additional, heavy battery.

The installation of an electric starter would be a single production that can easily cost the 10 compartments of the price of the new engine. Such small gasoline engines can easily be started with the reservoir starters by hand.

The same applies to an increase in performance. It would also reduce the service life of this simple motor.
