E-Scooter versichern (22kmh)?
Hallo, ich wollte fragen ob ich ein e scooter Versichern kann wenn er 22kmh fährt weil bei huk steht maximal 20kmh. Danke für alle Antworten.
Hallo, ich wollte fragen ob ich ein e scooter Versichern kann wenn er 22kmh fährt weil bei huk steht maximal 20kmh. Danke für alle Antworten.
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muss ich immer meinen ausweis dabei haben?
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In the description: “maximum maximum speed adjustable (6km/h-20km/h)”.
10% is the permitted speed tolerance. Whether it actually drives it is irrelevant for insurance.
The Scooter has the official approval and is therefore one of the 20 km/h insurance regulations.
Okay, thanks.👍
You work at the post office? When are the trucks going to the parcel centre? Because if it comes tomorrow, it’s about 3-4 in my package center. 4 hours drive from Krefeld and the close 23 o’clock should come the 3 o’clock if they start closing.
There are exceptions for e-rollers that drive up to 25 km/h, see here:
However, as you have noticed, it is more difficult to insure such because they do not fall into the standard of 20 km/h.
I would contact the insurance companies directly and ask for an individual offer.
Only E-Scooters that have a road permit can be insured. And this requires a maximum speed of 20 km/h.
Mine has a road permit and can drive 22
Well, the manufacturer writes “adjusted to 20 km/h + maximum 10%”. From mine is the peasantry. It will run 20 km/h.
What’s in the guide