E Scooter Kennzeichen+ Roller Problem?
Leider hatte ich einen e Roller gekauft letztes Jahr und hab den nach der Versicherung direkt abgegeben weil die Bremsen kaputt waren.
Das Kennzeichen wollte Mediamarkt abmachen weil es zu fest abgeklebt war und ich nichts dabei hatte.
Jetzt nach einem Jahr ruft mich die Polizei und meint das jemand mit dem Kennzeichen bzw mit dem e Scooter fährt, ich hab eigentlich nichts zum nachweisen daß ich es damals zurück gegeben hab, aber in wie fern ist es meine Schuld wenn ich die Version abgemeldet habe und zurück gegeben habe, verstehe das nicht.
Well, then, in case of doubt, the MediaMarkt has a confirmation that it was returned (i.e. the scooter). And that’s exactly what you say to the police
The police said I had problems without proof.
Then go to the MediaMarkt and get the confirmation that you have returned the scooter there. And yes – they must have documents. Must be booked at the MM.
Or…he bought the (after you) at the MM – and then know who that was 🙂
They will certainly not find until he has insured himself, and then have fine and had the scooter scjhon during the period
I am very happy for you! And that’s what’s going on. And the driver of the unsecured scooter has a problem 🙂
Since I bought it with my name I got lucky, got bill and retour and time getting back inside half of 2h because was broken 😅
They can’t give any information by phone
Or you only call 🙂
It’s a long way, but I’m going to go, hope they have.
Got only vehicle number and date of purchase
the version has unsubscribed and returned
What exactly did you report and return?
In the case of insurance in writing?
HUK insurance,
And I gave it back to Media Markt
the new owner would have had to re-register the insurance. that cannot be changed for the year.
if returned, the documents had to be handed over
I gave it to the media market.
and, therefore, the scooter is still insured for a year
is clear that the license plate is still registered to you. the new holder has not changed.
No should quit immediately because it was broken, you have 14 days of reuffs right or something