E Scooter fahren bei Abgeschlossener Versicherung aber noch ohne Kennzeichen?
Mein Versicherungsbeginn wäre heute. Leider habe ich noch kein Kennzeichen geschweige denn den Versicherungsschein erhalten.
Was wäre nun wenn ich angehalten werden würde?. Hätte ich die Möglichkeit den Schein nach zu zeigen, wenn ich ihn in ein paar Tagen erhalte?.
You have to have the insurance code, otherwise you can’t drive
No license plate = prohibited
My insurance explicitly writes that the insurance cover begins with the plaque on the vehicle.
Means: It is driven without verses, that is a crime, and costs real money.
But they also have advisers with plaques in almost every kaff.
Can you briefly link these insurance terms?
We had everything already, the Württembergische, the HUK, the Helvetia, quote:
If you want to travel with your e-scooter in public transport, you need a plaque – because it is proof of liability insurance.
I didn’t know yet, because he closed the contract, it’s only the beginning of the insurance.
Thank you, this should be known, but this was about the conditions for the existence of an insurance contract.
My writing doesn’t, it’s fixed like others.
Barmenia, Quote:
Requirements for driving in public transport
Then your insurance will lie if she writes that the plaque is only proof of insurance. Well, it can happen.
No plaque, no proof, no insurance, right, at least proved in the three mentioned. Tap in without scooter. 100 pages.
We don’t need Google if we can read it black on white in the insurance terms that actually exist.
So he only runs without proof of liability insurance? And even according to your insurance? Thank you, no more questions.
I copyed from the Helvetia portal, which you don’t like, or broken google again.
Yes, I thought there might be something concrete this time, but the alleged statement in the insurance conditions does not exist, I do not see a link at least.
No license plate, no drive…
You’d have to pay a fine of €60 and you wouldn’t be allowed to continue.
Not really, there is no insurance here, and without is a crime.
Always these experts, don’t know, but evaluate negatively.
It’s not about driving without being lost, it’s about no insurance because the plaque is missing.
https://www.google.com/search?q=driven+unless+insurance mark&rlz=1C1GEEC_enDE977DE977&oq=driven+unless+insurance mark
If the plaque is on it, it’s on it, then the race goat is also insured.