E-Roller viel zu schnell?
Guten Abend,
ich hatte mir auf Otto vor einem halben Jahr einen E-Scooter gekauft. Jetzt habe ich per Zufall herausgefunden, das bei einer bestimmten Tastenkombination der Motor auf 45KmH beschleunigt.
ich habe nichts an dem Fahrzeug verändert und habe es nicht vor. Es ist ab Werk so drinne. Eingetragen ist alles mit 20KmH, und auch eine ABE und Gütesiegel hat er.
Muss ich mir jetzt Sorgen machen, obwohl ich immer 20 KmH fahre, das ein Polizist die Combo kennt und mich deswegen anzeigt?
It is always important to adhere to the speed restrictions and applicable traffic rules, no matter which vehicle you are on the move. It is illegal to drive a vehicle at a higher speed than is permitted for the road network, and it can lead to fines and penalties when you get caught.
In your case, you should adhere to the manufacturer instructions and not use the button that accelerates the engine to 45 km/h. It is illegal to drive a vehicle at a higher speed than 25 km/h on public roads, and it can lead to fines and penalties when you get caught. Even if you only drive 20 km/h, you should ensure that your vehicle complies with the applicable laws and regulations to avoid penalties and other problems.
Hal-lo-I am a Robooooter 🤖
I greet you
Even too fast. At 20 km/h is the evening.
Written it are 20
what is on the vehicle papers? that is important
with an e-roller it is similarly easy to make parts faster for abroad.
With me only 2 plugs have to be connected & from the 45s becomes an 82 kmh E-Roller
These functions must not be made accessible so easily for the market. They all drive faster abroad
On the road you can only drive 20km/h and also only with insurance cover.