E-Roller Versicherung?
Hallo zusammen! Ich hab heute als frühes Weihnachsgeschenk einen E-Roller bekommen, den man jetzt versichern muss. Weder ich noch meine Mutter kennen sich da so super aus – bei welcher Versicherung wärs denn am ehesten den Preis wert? Und muss die Versicherung auf mich (17) oder auf meine Mutter (ü40) laufen? Ich hab gehört ü23 werden einige billiger, deswegen frag ich. Fahren werd damit nur ich.
First of all, it would be important to ask if you were from a small E-Kickscooter to eKFV to max. 20 KM/h, or from a “real” E-Scooter with 25 or 45 KM/h after the general miniature motorcycle – regulation for Mofa or with class AM licence.
In itself, however, these insurance contracts are relatively uniform in the initiation of the contract with the insurers; only the E-Kickscooter according to eKFV are significantly cheaper in the annual premium as small motorcycles (mofa or class AM ).
Kicksooter get an adhesive picker, KKR a small aluminum year mark. In both cases, the total insurance year is fixed between the beginning of March and the end of February of the following year. Now in December the insured most insurers are in part clear residual-year premiums by the end of February.
Without the written consent of your guardian, you can’t complete such an insurance contract with 17 of your guardian’s, and in insurance terms you would have to Your parents then specify this insurance against the vehicle during the start of the contract when the vehicle is continuously registered.
In contrast to the KFZ liability, for example for cars, the above-mentioned vehicle groups do not have this so-called second-car entry premium reduction in this massive design of, for example, 275% for starters vs. 125% for second vehicle in the pure liability.
In the above mentioned Fzg groups, please leave at most about 5 – 10 Euro max. in the Annual premium (always from the beginning of March to the end of February of the following year), depending on the insurer, the liability is between.
Not badly written, but this is from the last millennium:
I was just here. In addition, in the case of a real KFZ liability for passenger cars, the premium bargain for the quest is still quite relevant in the related comparison.
So first read and understand my answer, instead of just flying over for possible negative criticisms.
My, and not only those, starts in the EKR with 66%, where did the lustful %.
Find yourself another platform victim
Güttgoann & side discussion ended with this!
Dito, and that’s what I’m going to do.
You’re going to get out of here quickly, where you belong: In my Ingnorier list. Your writing is not tolerable.
Don’t turn around what age-starred and aging “knowledge” and justification say about yourself. If you had read and understood an answer in detail, you would not have started your ridiculous Bashing thread here with me in the proportionalities.
Well, but I’m here too willing to go without any hurdle for a neat expert title, because I simply don’t want to have this whole envy in my advice.
Güttgoann & side discussion ended with this!
Are you confused? Where did I stalk?
The nightmares say a lot about you!
What problem do you have with my clearly differentiated factors in my answer to understanding? Missing will, stamina in reading, or Calgon, “Senior”?
I don’t have to be an insurance broker for your improper stalls!
I’m an insurance broker. What problem do you have?
My from Coburg selects the drivers with over or under 23 years, it counts the start of insurance with the blue shield.
What’s going to happen later and under 23 doesn’t matter.
If there is a real admission to collect SF classes, this does not apply. Then the contribution for the young drivers comes in.
Good luck.
Rightly formulated incomprehensible, but that is exactly what I wrote for comparison with a continuous-time-delayed KFZ duty on vehicles with an annual maximum. 1 year of fixed-term purchase plaque between the beginning of March and the end of February of the following year
It is not even clear whether the plaque you claim can be used.
I only consciously put such a thesis into space here, because TE has not yet expressed itself (correcting or confirming) in addition to the subject.
Don’t be so pampy!
How come on Scooter, it’s a scooter, so the question. And who doesn’t even know % of a starter should stay away.
Plaque or insurance identifiers are schematically the same in their purchase and defined insurance term. (I’ve been writing in this thread several times!)
In the case of an “e-scooter” it would not be different from the class of light-powered wheels (Fsk A1) with the obligation to admit and therefore non-delayed insurance contracts instead of a maximum of one-year insurance mark or Insurance badges.