E Roller bis 20 (Moped bis 20kmh) Regelung?


Habe mal gelesen da ein E Roller auf 20kmh gedrosselt ist dieser ohne Führerschein gefahren werden kann. Soll man auch Echte Roller – Mopeds auf 20kmh drosseln können und diese Ohne Führerschein (Prüfbescheinigung) fahren darf.


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2 years ago

No way!

There’s enough people going with Mofa.

Without a pruf certificate.

You can buy it for 250€.

Imagine that every youth (which are almost the only ones who need one) would now be on the move without knowing traffic rules.

A mofa is not an e-scooter.

And then the parts would still be tuned again..

2 years ago

Only small electric vehicles up to 20 km/h are free of charge.

A moped cannot be throttled to the small electric vehicle.

2 years ago

What do you want with a moped that only drives 20. You only disturb the traffic flow because a moped is not so easy to overtake.

And you’re on your way faster with the ride.