E-Liquid prüfen lassen?


hab mir so ein komisches Liquid aus Tschechien mitgenommen, dass “Funta” heißt also Fanta und da sind 100ml drin (ohne Nikotin).

Ich habe es halt von diesen “Schwarzmärkten(?)” gekauft, also bei den Ständen und ich bin mir nicht mehr so sicher, ob ich das dampfen soll.

Kann man von dem Liquid eine Probe an ein Labor schicken, damit die herausfinden ob was anderes drin ist als Propylenglykol, Glycerin, Aroma […] ?

Und weiß vlt. einer was das kosten würde?


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5 months ago

I can tell you they’re 99.9% armored.

All these liquids in the stands are from dubious sources.

Have they seen more often in these “black markets”

Put it away. Buy only in real stores and never at these stands!

5 months ago

I don’t know if you can put it in the lab if you’ve bought it on the black market, just throw it away.

If you are steaming without nicotine, you can also simply buy aroma bottles and base here in Germany is not so expensive and with an aroma bottle for 15€ I can spend a month. You have to mix yourself, which is really not difficult.

If you also want to steam with nicotine and mix yourself, you should order the nicotineshots abroad is much cheaper and I have never had problems with the inch but of course if you have bad luck.