ich versteh leider nicht so genau, wie das mit dieser E-Krankenmeldung funktioniert.
Ich wurde krankgeschrieben und die meinten, das mein Arbeitgeber sich das digital runterziehen kann. Mein Arzt weiß aber garnicht wo ich arbeite, wie genau funktioniert das? Müssen die das garnicht wissen?🙈
The failure goes on the cap of your employer, and he has to deal with it and not you.
You only have to tell when to when you are exactly sick and the employer has to get the information from the health insurance.
That’s right, it’s easy.
What failure do you mean? The FG didn’t write anything about that.
The doctor doesn’t have to know where you work. The AU is sent digitally to the health insurance companies and the employer can call the AU.
Only privately insured persons or privately active doctors do not exist. It’s like it used to be.
Of course, you register with your employer sick, as before. So don’t just stay away and say no sound.
It’s over the sickness fund. Normally, your employer should have been informed about the procedure.
The doctor will report it to your health insurance. You inform your employer about the AU that he can confirm from the health insurance company. He must therefore contact the health insurance company. after you contacted him immediately after the doctor’s visit.
Can’t – must.
The doctor sends the eAU (i.e. the electronic medical report) to the health insurance company and the employer must download it from there. You only need to inform your employer by phone or in writing that you are ill-written. Everything else is not your business anymore.
Your doctor doesn’t have to know where you work and what health insurance you are, of course, your doctor knows that.
But your employer knows what kind of health insurance you are because they transfer your monthly contribution to them.
Your employer knows they need to take care of getting the medical report to the health insurance company, you just have to give your employer a decision that you are sick.
You need your employer day-to-day Time (from/to) of the crèche.
In this case, it is possible to use the medical prescription at the Health Insurance Fund retrieve online.