E gitarren saite gerissen?
Hi beim stimmen ist mir die h saite gerissen.
ich bin anfänger deswegen weiß ich nicht wie man saiten wechselt deswegen will ich sie mir beim musikladen wechseln lassen
Leider hat der heute nicht offen sondern erst am montag,schädigt es die gitarre wenn ich bis montag warte?
No, it doesn’t hurt. But put a string through a hole and then crank a bit, you should actually take it yourself. Probably there are also some youtube instructions.
have you not been playing?
Then we learned something for the future. I always have at least two sets of strings in the guitar case per guitar. 😊
Okay, that’s different.
The guitar doesn’t matter.
But the best way to learn how to change your strings is not so hard and there are enough YouTube videos that explain this.
A set (good) strings are available on the Internet from 5€, in the music shop you pay more and then again the labor costs.
Learn to make it yourself.
I don’t have any strings, but I wanted to remove the torn one. I think she’s stuck because she doesn’t get out at the bottom of the hole…
The guitar doesn’t do that. But you better order a few sets and learn to make it yourself. In the long run, it’s really stupid to go to business with Ner’s broken string, and it’s costing extra