E Gitarre. Drop C eigene Riffs/Musik?
ich spiele wirklich nur im Drop C Tuning, Metal. Eher Riff basiert.
Ich kann vieles im Hard Rock/Metal Bereich nachspielen, aber hab keine Ahnung vpn Musik Theorie. Demnächst versuche ich eigene Musik in einer Band zu machen.
Was brauch ich an wissen? Was könnt ijr mir ans Herz legen?
Bitte nur Sachen, die ich für meine Musik brauche.
To make your own music in a band, it is important that you have some basic knowledge. In the metal sector, especially in reefs, the Drop C tuning is very common, which you already master. Since you do not know music theory, it could be helpful to develop at least a basic understanding of what chords and scales fit together better.
For your own music, you could find advantage if you are familiar with Powerchords, Palm Muting, Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs. These techniques are often found in metal reefs and can give your music more depth.
In addition, you could deal with the songwriting process to create your own reefs and songs. Understanding song structures, such as Strophe, Refrain, Bridge, can help you make your music more interesting.
It could also be useful if you deal with the theme of sound design to develop your own sound. Experiment with various effects, amplifiers and settings to create a unique sound that matches your music.
Remember that music also has a lot to do with creativity. Let yourself be inspired by different music styles to find your own style. Great success with your musical ambitions!