
Hallo, ich habe eine wichtige Frage. Ich will ein eigenen Online Shop mit Shopify eröffnen. Meine frage wäre, wenn ich mal angenommen gutes Geld verdiene und dieses Geld dann in mein Bankkonto überwiesen wird, wird sich dann die Bank nicht fragen, woher ich all dieses Geld habe?. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit wie ich das umgehen kann?. Ich freue mich auf Antworten und vielleicht auch tipps:)

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9 months ago

For what you’re doing, you need a business.

If you do this without business, this is an offence first, and it costs you around €150.

In addition, the tax office will then approach you and demand the repayment of the income tax.

And since the tax office always thinks that you deserve millions, they want a few thousand to ten thousand euros from you, if you can’t exactly prove what you really would have for sales.

Depending on how long you’ve been doing this without business, there’s a fine on it.

In order to be able to register a trade, one must be at least 18 years old, except one obtains permission from the parent, which is usually the parents, and that of the family court.

The family court will then ask your teachers at school how your school services are to ensure that your business does not influence the school. In addition, they also want a business plan from you to see that you even know what you’re doing…

So if you don’t have the business yet, the money is your least concern… if you do all this without business, then of course you can report to your bank for the suspicion of money laundering…

You also need insurance if you want to trade goods.

Like any other shop according to German law, you have to offer a warranty of 2 years.

You’re gonna have to hit you with annoying customers who want their money back…

Are you thinking?

9 months ago

you must register a trade and pay tax 😉 .. Also you always need an imprint in the shop and a tax number must be specified.

Black you knew to make zero more;)