E bike Tretsensor / PAS Sensor umgehen?

Moin, ich habe das Fischer Montis EM 1724. Das Teil fährt jetzt 42 km/h. Der nächste Schritt ist, dass ich nicht mehr treten muss und zwar muss ich ja irgendwie den Tret Sensor umgehen können. Also, dass ich mit einem Knopf oder Gashebel und so weiter gasgeben kann. Hat jemand Erfahrung damit, wer weiß, wie es geht?

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1 year ago

Congratulations! You’re already on the verdict. Your pedelec can drive a maximum of 25 km/h, it is faster, you need a driving permit. AM or B.

Now, if you bypass the pedal sensor, every cop can see that you are too fast without stepping. Then sensitive punishments threaten, among other things also for violation of the mandatory insurance law.

1 year ago
Reply to  julien430

I know. I just wanted to give a thought-provoke. Don’t you bother and complain: Why can’t I make my car guide? Why do I have to pay so much damages to the enclosed pedestrian, even though I have a private liability insurance, which is not paying?

1 year ago

Hi, I think you’d have to find such an adapter that changes the Pas signal to trottle signal… but I think the better option is to just buy a new controller where there’s such a connection