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2 years ago

For me, the bike is a sports equipment. So when I ride a bike, I’m primarily about driving sports.

I think it’s quite ridiculous to let me take off the majority of the work from a motor if I want to do a sport. If a track is too long for me, I have to take more time or move it to a later date on which my condition is better… then I already have a motivation to train.

But I have absolute understanding when people who use the bike primarily as Transport use, prefer an e-bike. E-support makes it possible for many people at all to drive the cycle daily despite limited physical possibilities. With a calculable speed without breaking up from day to day.

First, I understand people who could not drive without e-support. For example for reasons of age or illness. Better drive with an electric motor than sitting at home without an electric motor.

And do you find the people lazy through e-bike?

As far as sport is concerned, I actually find that. Especially with young people, I have the impression that every fun in training effects (which go incredibly fast at age) is lost as soon as you get used to the fact that the motor is doing the job.

But as I said, one must first differentiate whether the person in question wants to exercise at all.

2 years ago

I prefer traditional bikes. I find it funny if e-bike drivers after 30 km think they would have actually been athletic.

Well, I find e-bikes for seniors who can actually go on tour, which they wouldn’t dare with normal bikes.

2 years ago
Reply to  wiki01

Amen (I 22 the jobbt hahahaha)

2 years ago
Reply to  wiki01

I usually drive with my pedelec so that after 30 km max. 5-7% battery power consumed. So that it is only used for corresponding slopes etc. Soon I will take a 1,000km tour with the bike.

That must be that “faul.”

2 years ago

… personally I prefer the normal “muscle-driven” bike. But I have now reduced my original dislike of e-bikes. For example, many people are no longer possible to cycle “without” for health reasons…they have the opportunity to get moving through the e-bike and to do without a car for some routes. It is also a good alternative for professional commuters who would otherwise be too far and who would otherwise use the car. And, what is it: let people enjoy their free time with the things….as long as they have fun. Healthier and more environmentally friendly than what they would otherwise do it will in many cases also be.

2 years ago

Personally, I prefer the normal bike. I’m too old for an eBike, I need to keep fit.

Yes, the danger that people become lazy through such an eBike, I can confirm. Sports, regular training is an unnatural thing that doesn’t get everyone. Well, if someone likes it alone stays in motion through his normal life.

Ebikes are fun, can be very useful, relieve the cities and some of them even do sports with it. But many more do something. They move the legs a little while sitting, they’re out and they already think they’ve done something for their fitness. No, it’s not that easy.

2 years ago

Depends on the perspective – many use an e-bike where a car had to stop before. Some put the e-bike in such a way that only mountain up is supported, I find it perfectly okay. Find an e-bike for the wide mass quite good, a simple method to let the vehicle stand

2 years ago

I usually drive with the help of only my muscles. Although a little over 60 is enough, both my power and my powder are still loose enough to be able to dispense with an electric push-on aid and an e-bike comes to me only when the age is so advanced that I need this help.

I drive a few thousand kilometers a year and may be relatively fit.

A few years ago, I was an e-bike opponent, who only advocated its use for older people. Meanwhile, my general attitude has changed somewhat and I separate my needs from those of the other cyclists. The pedelec is driving people on the wheel, who would not drive without an electric motor and instead sit in the car and block the streets. Instead, they move in the fresh air and at least do a bit for their health.

However, there are still a few points that I see very critical on the pedelec:

  1. Mountain-E-Bikern is flooded in mountain regions, which now almost effortlessly come up to thunder. These are not pensioners, but downhill bikers.
  2. Even for children there are bicycles that are appropriate; with it the little ones are starting to stop trying.
  3. What is sometimes on the go of mummies on two wheels is just too shocking.
  4. Family-friendly long-distance bike paths are almost no longer used with their family, because neon yellow or sturdy-pink-coloured reindeer walks make these paths artificially insecure.

All in all, however, the e-bike is certainly an enrichment of the traffic and especially of leisure activities and finds my applause far more than this unspeakable e-roller that lie in every city in every corner. Or just on the sidewalk. Just fuck!

2 years ago

Pedelec is better if you don’t want to get sweaty at the office.

2 years ago

I won’t let anything come on my bike to kick.

I don’t want to give EIn E-Bike.

2 years ago

Through eBikes, people get out more often.

I’d like one. In the Redhair Mountains, cycling is no fun without training.

2 years ago

then I can also drive scooters, with no less than 30 I don’t need a motor if I do so muscle training.