E Bike frage?

Guten Tag, kennt sich jemand mit dem Fischer Montis 1726 em (2023) aus? Oder besitzt es?

Laut Hersteller kann man damit 120 km fahren

Wie ist das wenn man mit voller Stufe durchgehend fährt wie weit kommt man damit?

Am hilfreichsten wäre es wenn Leute sich melden die mit dem Fahrrad Erfahrung hatten

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2 months ago

I’ve answered you before. The subject is not to be answered in a lump sum, as it depends on some conditions.

Here is a website (which I already gave you) to calculate it. You have to do the job to fill it out. I wrote:

Here you can calculate it roughly, but you have to enter many things. You can only appreciate many things:


With such cheap e-bikes, I would start from 30 to 40 km at normal (medium level). Your weight, battery capacity (Wh), wind speed, speed and altitude meters are the most important.

There is the range calculator from Bosch, which is somewhat simpler but still related to Bosch. He hadn’t worked properly lately.
