E-auto leasing als student?

Hi, mir stellt sich die Frage lohnt es sich ein e-auto zu leasen?

Ich wohne 50km von meinem Studienstandort weg und zahle aktuell für Sprit monatlich zwischen 200-250€. Hab ein Leasingangebot eines Nissan leaf für 150€ monatlich gesehen (Leasinglaufzeit 24 monate). Am Studienort hätte ich direkt vor der Uni einen e-lade-Parkplatz.

Gibt es irgendwelche bedeutende Kosten bei einem e-auto die ich nicht auf dem Schirm habe? Wie hoch sind service kosten etc?

Würde das sich aus eurer Sicht lohnen?

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3 years ago

With a student who, in general, will not have a fixed income above the threshold, hardly a leasing company will be willing to conclude a lease agreement. The parents would have to be a leasing participant.

3 years ago

These leasing rates are usually nicely calculated up to now no longer, in the small print you will usually find something of special leasing payment and closing rate

a üblciher PFerdefuss is usually also defined in the contract, for example, only 5000 kilometers a year.

3 years ago

With a leasing contract, this is not going to happen – or have you planned the Papa as a buster!?

Greeting of a Versich.maklerin

3 years ago

You may not have another special payment? Did you see if the leasing is enough for your driving performance?

Otherwise, I’d try if you can’t drive more sparingly. It doesn’t cost anything, and it really protects the environment. What are you driving now and how is your profile? More highway or more city?

3 years ago
Reply to  Joosh9

What are you going to do? What always helps

  • driving forward, i.e. letting the car roll, take advantage of the thrust retention, no sharp accelerations.
  • Control tyre pressure, 0.2 bar more than necessary.
  • Avoid unnecessary weight
3 years ago
Reply to  Joosh9

If you pay 200-250€ per month, the 24,000km per year if it is a gasoline that needs 7liter/100km.

So you need about 25,000km per year of leasing.

you have a diesel with 5.7 liters/100km consumption for about 31.500km per year.

you would need 30,000km of leasing per year

3 years ago


I am unfortunately not very informed about the e-automobip industry, but I would like to pass on my knowledge.

As with every car, the annual service date will of course be taken into account. If you do not change the tyres yourself, fees will be charged here. If you care for your car more often in public washing facilities, this will also cost.

However, these are state-of-the-art conditions which also occur in a “gasoline”.

I have heard that the Baterie of an E mobility device can quickly break after a few years and it must also be replaced.

I hope this answer was helpful for you!

Your MottDerHelfer

3 years ago
Reply to  MottDerHelfer

Currently, e cars are offered in the cheaper segment for good leasing rates, but IMMER are included at least the complete environmental premium as a special payment. It’s not a problem first.

Leasing is offered for 24 months, because 9,000€ / 24 months = 375€ cheaper per month.

The kilometers are usually 10,000 a year, i.e. 20,000 + usually 2,500km. Don’t get enough.

After leasing, maybe no environmental premium is gone.

the car goes back at 22,500km and you have to repair as well as any stone strike etc.

A new lease contract (you stand there without a car) suddenly costs at least 375€ more. You should order already 12 months before expiry, because the delivery times are out of date.

3 years ago
Reply to  ProxiCent

Okay thank you for the clarification