E-Auto als nächstes Fahrzeug?
Wer möchte sich als nächstes Fahrzeug ein E-Auto zulegen? Wenn ja was für eines und was sind die Gründe dafür, auch in Bezug auf die Nachhaltigkeit eines E-Fahrzeuges.
Wer möchte sich als nächstes Fahrzeug ein E-Auto zulegen? Wenn ja was für eines und was sind die Gründe dafür, auch in Bezug auf die Nachhaltigkeit eines E-Fahrzeuges.
hallo liebe Community, wollte euch fragen was besser wäre zu kaufen. Ich hab nämlich geschaut und habe 2 Motorräder gefunden: A: KTM Duke 125ccm Baujahr 2013 mit 11.000km (Stadt Fahrzeug also meine Sorge ist die Kupplung), Standard alles B: KTM Duke 125ccm Baujahr 2012 mit 21.300km (Land Fahrzeug also meine Sorge ist der Motor weil…
Wenn ein aufgebockter Roller läuft, dreht sich das Hinterrad ja ein bisschen mit. Wenn man aber auf dem Roller sitzt und z.B. vor Bahnschienen wartet geht das ja aber nicht wegen dem Gewicht etc. Sollte man dann den Motor lieber abstellen oder ist das nicht schlimm wenn sich das Hinterrad nicht drehen kann? PS. Es…
Hallo zusammen. Zuerst die Situation wie es passiert ist. Es hat geregnet und ich bin mit höherer Geschwindigkeit in eine Kurve gefahren (ich weiß, mein Fehler) und das Auto ist ins rutschen gekommen und dann mit dem rechten Hinterrad gegen einen Bordstein gefahren. Die felge ist zerkratzt, das Rad ist schief. Ich habe den abschleppdienst…
Hallo, habe mal grob überschlagen, auf welche Kosten ich monatlich kommen würde, wenn ich mir einen 325i holen würde. Kommt das so hin? Danke im Voraus. Steuer Ca 200€-》ca 17€ /m TÜV, Inspektion, Alle 2 Jahre, Inspektion bei so nem alten Auto braucht man eigentlich nicht unbedingt oder? Egal, -》 ca 25€ /m Benzin 1000km…
Ich war heute bei der Zulassungsstelle um mein Auto zuzulassen. Der Mitarbeiter teilte mir mit wie das neue Kennzeichen lautet und sagte, dass ich es bei dem Laden neben prägen lassen soll und dann gleich wieder kommen könne. Ich sagte ihm, dass ich es mir lieber im Internet bestellen möchte und dann am Dienstag wieder…
Hey☺ich hab wieder Mal ne Frage über Skates! Denn ich hab nochmal ein bissle geforscht und gelesen dass es auch noch spezielle Inliner für Rollkunstlauf gibt! Und die sehen halt auch ganz vielversprechend aus! Ich hätte da aber so eine Frage: Fahren Rollschuhe/Roller Skates gut auf Asphalt? Weil ich keine andere Strecke zum Fahren habe….
Who buys a pure e-car now buys an old technique. In the next 3-5 years a lot will be done in this area. There is currently no reason to change to a pure current. Neither the premium is a reason, nor the KM range or even the charging options and charging times. Also the alleged exit of the German manufacturers from the burners is not yet in stone.
That’s how it’s planned, yes. But since I bought a new car last year, it takes a few years. Until then, a lot can happen.
what I get after mine is still in the stars. depends on whether I have children, depends on where I live, how often I drive car, whether my friend has a car…
my two are sure to keep a few more years, so I don’t really think so. let’s see how the benzinpreis is developing, let’s see how the infrastructure for e-cars is being expanded, let’s see what e-cars have in a few years.
I do not, inter alia, because self-repair in modern cars is hardly possible and therefore, in my opinion, is not sustainable, we do not have a corresponding access right at the power connection in order to load in acceptable times and the carts are generally higher priced.
Self-repair is in fact no longer possible with modern burners.
Therefore also consciously the formulation “modern cars”.
Oh, okay. All right.
This is at least a reflection with us, but it’s probably only in a few years.
Since we have two cars, an e-small car would be quite sensible – for longer distances (hiking trips, etc.) the larger burner remained. Until this point, the selection of models in question should be significantly greater.
more sustainable are not really
strom is usually not green
After my GLB comes a G 400 d which is ready next week
Not next, but as another car, I pre-ordered a Tesla Roadster. Now I have to wait until next year.
I will therefore not stop driving gasoline, for that I like my cars too much, but at least I will reduce it.
In addition, I would like to collect comparative values for the first time.
I answer once as a driver of a current:
We’ve got a ZOE down 1.5 years ago and it fits perfectly. Since we are currently installing a solar system, we will soon be able to harvest and use a good part of the “fuel” from the roof itself.
Where is an e-car, with current state of the art, please sustainable? No fucking E-karre as long as there are burners. Then heated with rapeseed oil and spirit!
Is it less emotional and subjective?
Take your “sustainable” E-Hobel…
From my point of view, however, peasantries. In 10 years, your e-car is a deterrent, just like today’s diesel, which were bought at that time for the scrapping premium…
99% buy only the e-new car, because the state distributes a few candies. A new diesel or gasoline would probably have bought the least as long as there are no state surcharges. The comparison is very good: where there is no demand, there is no production…
No, of course not, but then please leave the words “sustainability” and “ecologically” away from the e-car.
I mean, seriously, whoever wants to drive such a part is to drive it and become happy with it. But don’t always bring pseudo-arguments like an alibi…
PS (then is the end):
At VW (a group that is no longer likely to exist after the exhaust gas scandal), a charging cable counts as a “additional equipment” and has to be ordered separately! There you can see where the journey actually goes: to take the money out of the bag and the state deserves well! No one thinks about the environment. So let these aspects just be stuck in the future.
We are currently driving with averaged 20 kWh/100km, the macth at 35 cents about 7 euros per 100 km. In addition, there are 10 years of exemption from the car tax and significantly lower annual maintenance costs.
The fact that a used vehicle is more ecological because it has already been produced is on a completely different sheet. Comparing a new car with your special situation is therefore useless. If, then new car with new car. Electric vehicles cut off better. And the greener de electricity, the better it gets.
Our ZOE has a warranty of 7 years or 160000 km on the battery, your diesel too?
Aha, and first the electric car created the child’s work? And there have been batteries since?
Diesel then comes out of the pumping column immediately and does not need any delivery of crude oil? Oh, yeah, not only with our electric car are plastics made of oil, right?
The reading tip: https://www.store-charge.com/blog/der-oekologische-rucksack-des-diels
Typically, PV systems cost around 1200 to 1400 euros per installed kWp. 22000 euros, the yield is annually averaged 800 kWh per kWp, making about 13000 kWh.
We consume approx. 4500 kWh (budget flow and heat pump) and once again 4000 kWh for the ZOE at a driving power of 20000 km per year.
Our PV can thus supply the lion share of electricity for our house and the ZOE. After 10 years, the plant has amortised, with 33 cents per kWh being assumed and an annual increase in electricity prices of 4%.
The electricity from the roof then costs about 6 cents per kWh and remains fixed. After 10 years I will drive for 1.20 euros per 100 km with electricity (the 20 kWh/100 km consumption) while you want to pay your 5 euros per litre of diesel, i.e. around 25 euros per 100 km.
From my point of view, our version is more sustainable and cheaper. I think.
Simple milkgirl bill: Renault Zoe about 30,000€. From me, we draw 10,000€ peasant-catchery bonus, so make 20,000€…
Then a solar system for €40,000 (all of which do not even charge your Zoe!).
So for the first time, make €60,000 spending on sustainability. For this sustainability, oil is processed into plastic and children are exploited in third world countries for a hunger reward. Let’s not talk about the harmful chemicals, etc, which are necessary for the production of batteries and batteries…
For this €60,000, I can recharge 12,000 liters of diesel for €5/L (I think about the future) and thus reach about 200,000km, which means for my circumstances about 15 to 20 years.
Even if I buy the next used diesel at this time, I’m cheaper and more sustainable than you. And we’re not talking about your broken battery in the Zoe, which, after 10 years, comes back to about 8000€…
So listen to this and tell me about sustainability.
I’m not talking about the biodiesel pulp, but about rapeseed oil. Biodiesel is nix! therefore it is already added to the normal diesel. And if I use a diesel for 1 year, I run the risk that the injection pump, lines and injection nozzles will rust because the crap will decompose and attack the bare steel parts!
PS: If we can grow corn to produce biogas when we consider cereals as fuel for heating… Then we must have enough agricultural areas!
How many times does that happen?
Do you notice yourself? 😉
You’ve never heard an 18-year-old with Papa’s BMW on the red lights.
Suddenly only the tires are louder than the engine from 40 km/h and since E-cars produce a multiple of fine dust due to their high weight + louder rolling noise, these residents will suffer even more 😂👍
I’d like to do it, because we soon reaped a large share of electricity from our roof. Can you make your fuel yourself?
Thus our plan is already much earlier in the sustainability zone than originally planned. Only because rape is a plant, the production of fuels is not automatically sustainable. An older report from 2013: https://www.wissenschaft.de/technik-digitales/biodiesel-als-co2-schleuder/
(Great from me)
As always, it depends.
In the end, the train has departed, combustors will be heavily decimated, which is particularly likely to delight the inhabitants of heavily trafficked roads when the thunder wedges become much quieter.
No, I’m staying with my plan next year to buy the 330i from’m leasing.
Never ever!
Before I get another 3-4 burners 😁👍