E 46 19 Zoll Felgen?
Hi ich habe mir einen e46 gekauft
in der Nähe von mir werden 19zoll mit ABE verkauft
kann ich diese einfach drauf schrauben oder muss ich es extra abnehmen lassen?
Hi ich habe mir einen e46 gekauft
in der Nähe von mir werden 19zoll mit ABE verkauft
kann ich diese einfach drauf schrauben oder muss ich es extra abnehmen lassen?
Hallo, möchte mir mein erstes Auto anlegen und finde die 3er Serie von BMW am besten. Um genau zu sein finde ich den e46 gut jedoch hat der kein hardtop cabrio was der e93 cabrio hat. Habe ein gutes Angebot vom 330d gefunden (12.000€ bei 150.000km) Jetzt stellt sich mir die Frage ob es ein…
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If the rims are compatible with your vehicle, the ABE and need will not be affected.
But the best thing is to ask the store and ask. Not that the rims don’t fit. There are some things to consider like hole circle diameter, injection depth etc.
This would also be on the inside of the rims or in the vehicle registration certificate. As a layman, however, you should be better informed by a specialist or specialist dealer.
Hi the hole circle fits what I have to pay attention
Pressing depth, rim width and diameter etc. But as I said, I would recommend that you let that be explained by a specialist/specialist. Questions don’t cost anything!
What’s in the ABE?
There’s everything you need to know.
Enter KBA number on Google, search model and read requirements.
Haven’t bought this abe yet since I haven’t bought the rims yet
in the display is the abe
ABE doesn’t mean that this will fit your vehicle.
Before buying, you need to know if they are allowed at all, everything else makes no sense.
Let the KBA number and look.
and you’re reading now.
An ABE always refers to the serial state when you have changed the suspension, the rims and the suspension must be removed in combination.
19 inch without deepening does not look good.
In addition, 19 inches at the E46 are almost in the wheel box.
It’s about these rocks Just found at #Kleinanzeigen. What do you think?
I have an e46 320i bj 2002
ABE 46871 is that what I should look for?
Simply enter Google, then the ABE/Report appears.
All right thanks
is there a certain page where I enter the KBA number?