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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

You can’t say that. How drugs act on people is very individual. Many factors play a role in this. Like genetics, gender, weight, emotional and physical condition, daily form and expectations (Set), the environment (Setting), any reconciliation effects and, of course, the dose.

Especially as far as DXM is concerned, one should know that this substance can be quickly life-threatening for some people even in comparatively low dose ranges.

“For persons with a pharmacogenetic weakness of the enzyme Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP 2D6), noise can already occur in therapeutic doses of DXM. Higher doses can be life-threatening in this group.”

I think dose recommendations are very critical here. No one can tell you what dose you need to get to some “Plateau”. What a person is “right” can mean death for another. Everyone reacts differently to such substances. You can’t judge what went well with others. Could be a bad one. Especially for beginners it is true: “too low” dosed as “too high” (“Fantast to target dose”). No matter what substance it is.

It is also important in general to deal with the topic Safer use to deal with. And with what can go wrong. Maybe interesting:

You can find many general information about the possible effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption here:

2 years ago

Take only a little while and see how you reagier, because you could be allergic or belong to the 5-10%, which has little dxm strong effect and this could become life-threatening if you take too much directly. Wait about an hour.

And a few hours before that nothing/less.

After that, I would add 5 capsules every hour.

I weigh as much as you and then take 12 capsules in total, but respect for itching is real hell and you scratch bloody.

2 years ago

I think 10

(But you shouldn’t do that)

2 years ago

I would slowly push myself up in your place until you feel the desired effect

2 years ago


2 years ago

So I weighed just as much, and took 7 pieces, I would recommend you 10 x30g tablets, but watch, I had a panic attack and felt terrible, but good luck