Dürfte ich Vaters Auto fahren?


Ich bekomme bald meinen Führerschein, und da ich noch kein Auto habe, hat mein Vater gemeint er meldet mich mit an, sodass ich sein Auto auch benutzen darf.

Meine Frage ist nun dürfte ich das Auto auch benutzen ohne das ich Angemeldet bin?

Paar meiner Freunde nutzen auch das Auto von Familien Mitgliedern, ohne das die Polizei etwas dazu sagt.

Einmal wurden wir nämlich angehalten und es hieß dann : ”Wem gehört das Auto”?

– ”Meinem Vater”

Der Polizist daraufhin wollte nur den Führerschein sehen und durften weiter fahren.

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9 months ago

My question is now I should use the car without which I am registered?

Of course.

Couple of my friends also use the car of family members without the police saying anything about it.

Why would the police say something?

Once we were stopped and it was called “Who is the car?”

– “My Father”

The police then only wanted to see the driver’s license and could continue driving.

The police are only interested in whether the car is allowed, so it is automatically insured.

It’s always the car assures, not the driver what you should have learned in the driving school.

7 months ago
Reply to  eligellafp

Surely this was also discussed! only not taught” as in primary school.

9 months ago

There is exactly one person who decides whether or not you can drive a particular car, and this is the owner of the car in question. If he allows you, you can drive it and if not, then not.

In the case of cars within the family, the police automatically assume that this permission exists.

Otherwise, the car must be allowed, must have a liability insurance and the permit must not be extinguished (e.g. by unrestricted modifications).


What your father thinks is a formal contract with liability insurance. This usually gives a discount if the owner of the vehicle admits that he does not have a starter or People u25 by car. This should be adapted accordingly, i.e. to dispense with the discount because it is necessary to let appropriate people drive by car.

Insurance protection still exists because the car is insured and not the individual driver. But because of the breach of the contract, the insurance will recalculate the contract for a period of retroactively, without requiring the above-mentioned discount, and corresponding repayments to insurance contributions.

9 months ago

The police have nothing to do with it. This is an insurance question. Non-registered persons may drive the car for insurance a few times a year but not use the car daily. However, if you drive the car regularly, you need to log in or In the case of insurance. In how far the insurance can check this is another question.

9 months ago

You can drive the car, only the insurance will stress in case of damage if you are not reported to them.

9 months ago
Reply to  steefi

No, they’re not stressing!

9 months ago
Reply to  wattdennnu2

If more riders drive the car than those indicated make the very stress, because why should the fare then be for soloists over 21 years etc. to be cheaper?

9 months ago
Reply to  steefi

That’s not true.

In general, everyone is allowed to drive by car. Perhaps Father saves percentages because he has excluded starters. He must change that, of course.

9 months ago

Talked. /

9 months ago


9 months ago

However, it is so that the insurance company then makes stress; in doubt, to get rid of you.

9 months ago

Contribution design has nothing to do with damage regulation!

9 months ago

without which I am registered?

Sleeping completely in the driving school? There is no “driver is registered for vehicle XYZ”. Once the vehicle is insured and the holder is allowed to push the keys into your hand.

9 months ago

Once we were stopped and it was called “Who is the car?”

In the concrete situation, it should have been more about whether the car is stolen. If the address and, if necessary, the last name is the same as the driver’s ID/guide certificate, the i.d.R. should be plausible enough for the police, as not to drill deeper.

Or the police had a good day and didn’t even control it.

The insurance is a completely separate issue, which has already been written here.


9 months ago

If your father allows you, you can use the car.

9 months ago

The insurance premium for the car is raised when a new driver drives the car regularly. That’s the whole background.

9 months ago

The question would have to be: is it really clever that your father will take you as a starter in his KFZ insurance?

In any case, your father should be sufficiently informed and carefully compare the conditions of the insurers.

This may take some time, but whoever closes the wrong insurance contract may pay for it at the end of the evening.

How expensive are drivers in car insurance?

Unless you’re only allowed to get your lifemate behind the wheel, it doesn’t cost anything. Whether in love, engaged, married – main thing officially reported to the insurer. Ourcurrent financial tip study on tariff characteristics in motor insuranceconfirms this: it does not cost a hit if husband, wife or life partner drive the car.

But it will be all the more expensive if you take children who have passed their driving licence in the driver’s circle.Starting dateto be included in the car insurance is a good idea. The contribution to the change can then be easily doubled.

New provider assures families with new drivers

In the bigCar insurance test in autumn 2022At Finanztip, we have discovered a provider that does not require any hits, even if families leave drivers behind. With him canFamilies with new driversoften save significantly. The provider is called Inshared, is a young company from the Netherlands.

What happens when an unreported driver drives?

Once the driver’s circle is fixed, many car owners leave no one to the tax that does not belong to this circle. These are:even unregistered drivers insured. However, it may happen that in the event of damage, thePostsor impose a penalty.

You can find more helpful information on the topic here:


9 months ago

My question is now I should use the car without which I am registered?


9 months ago

with registration is meant the insurance, which does not replace otherwise damage caused by you, but with the permission of the owner may believe any car driving

9 months ago
Reply to  PCGamer534

the damage otherwise caused by you is not…

1A wrong. There is no violation of obesity.

7 months ago
Reply to  PCGamer534

in front of all, an opposing insurance will try to make zigzag when o.a. questioner is damaged with paps car .

as an experienced driver he would have acted differently ! will then be accused = accusations . is illegal – but will be tried .