Dürfte ich theoretisch immer 23 kmh schneller fahren?

Hallo miteinander, ich hab seit heute meinen Führerschein und damit auch die 2 jahre Probezeit die bevorstehen. Ich wollte fragen ob ich theoretisch immer 23 kmh schneller inner und auserorts sein könnte falls man geblitzt wird. Würde dies dann als B Verstoß gelten oder oder nur Bußgeld?

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5 months ago

The permissible speed is one Maximumspeed, not a rough directive (even if some interpret this unfortunately differently).

You shouldn’t be accustomed to motivating the warning money range, but also keep yourself at the maximum speed allowed after Tacho. Due to the speedometer advance, a few km/h (3-5, more than 100 times 10) are certainly acceptable, everything else is, at least intentionally, a sign that the necessary maturity is lacking to lead a car and participate in the road!

5 months ago

Because it’s forbidden, you shouldn’t. But you will certainly play on the trial time sequences taking into account the tolerance withdrawal.

Up to an estimated speed of 20 km/h too much, it is neither an A-attribution nor a B-attribution, i.e. not rehearsal-time-relevant. Warrants/ fines and if applicable There are points anyway.

It’ll be good for a while. However, if the authorities notice that you are constantly struggling with such speed violations, they also have other possibilities for action. e.g. § 2a para. 4 StVG:

the competent authority may, in particular, also arrange for the submission of an opinion of a officially recognised vehicle assessment body if the holder of a driving licence has committed infringements within the test period which, in accordance with the circumstances of the individual case, already give rise to the assumption that it is unsuitable for driving vehicles.

This can then result in the withdrawal of the driving licence.

5 months ago

Faster is not better in this case. Road traffic is not a race track.

5 months ago

23 inside too fast are 115€ plus fee, one point and, of course, an A violation. If you mean before deduction of tolerance, this is not an A- or B-expulsion, since then under 20 km/h (under the assumption that no one is at risk, otherwise the whole looks different). It doesn’t make it legal, and it’s fine.

But if this happens more frequently, you will be right to doubt your driver’s skills.

5 months ago

In your mind, your driving licence won’t last long, that’s probably good too. Thus, at least one danger is removed from the road.

5 months ago

No, you can’t.

5 months ago

Sure you could. You can’t. Your question alone makes you doubt your driving suit.

5 months ago

At 23 km/h you get a point


So don’t.

And even if you only drive 15 km/h too fast, and you get caught regularly, at some point the driver’s license will come to question your character suitability, which runs out on ne MPU

5 months ago

Are you serious? Is everything forgotten after only two years?

Costs 100 or 115 ,- € plus a package. For repeaters too. For all stubborns also like driving ban or / and MPU.

5 months ago

A speed limiter pretends how fast you can drive.

So in other words, can I drive faster than I can?

Is that your question?

5 months ago

You won’t keep your driver’s license long, but maybe you won’t survive.

5 months ago
Reply to  Akka2323

That would be okay. But what about the others?

5 months ago

only theoretically

practically should leave the fingers away.

max. as close as 10km is enough and

if you start this way, you should return the driver’s license