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jain. It doesn’t depend on it. Special workbooks usually give more than they take. Why it depends on whether the job is allowed to you. pay the cost 1j long. After that, the pension fund may have to pay. at the end of the first year, he must become a doctor of the pension fund. if he thinks that you have also been chanzen at the first job market, that was it. he sends you in early retirement due to full employment reduction, can continue to the workshop.
must not park at the disabled parking place with the white. for disabled parking you need a blue card/pass that you get at the amt (don’t know what). I doubt whether your identity card (50%) is enough.
swimming pools etc handle it differently. give a percentage as soon as you have ID. the others will not leave until from 70 or 80% and again others will not be allowed to leave.
I’m afraid your ID’s a little bit. but common facilities (museum zb) usually give percentages. on the one hand, not the hoped for. but especially for life, better than nothing.
Not necessarily. A GdB of 50 does not mean that you cannot work on the first job market.
You don’t deserve much in the workshop either.
Why would you, if it’s different?
Completely correct, as an apprentice in the Landratsamt and externally kernel-derived person, I do not have it either. It would be interesting to me anyway.
No, you need a supervisor.