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1 month ago


Wild bird feed mainly contains many oil seeds and nuts.

In the interior, corrugations require a low-fat mixture with very little oil seeds. The nuts can additionally trigger fungal infections due to the mold pore loading.

With such a rich food, the wave tracts would become very fast overweight and develop lipomas as well as a fatty liver. The additional body fat then also restricts the organs in their function. The air bags are mostly affected. The waves get heavy air and therefore moves less and less and there is a vicious circle.


Thorsten Hoeppner
1 month ago

No way.

It’s on the one hand Calorie content they are absolutely inappropriate and the Sawing much too big.

Need waves small seeds, like millet, because they are not bigger depletion can. This is also a reason why the grain mixtures contain only nudity and no more normal.

1 month ago

Squids should not eat fodder for wild birds. They have specific nutritional needs that depend on their natural habitat and their physiology. Wild bird feed often contains seeds and grains that are suitable for other bird species, but do not necessarily provide the optimal nutrient composition for corn pigs. Some wild bird feed mixtures also contain a high amount of fat, which can lead to overweight for corrugations.

1 month ago

Because they do not eat food for wild animals

1 month ago

Wellis are grain eaters.