Dürfen Ukrainische Bürger in DE gewerblich Lkw fahren?

Guten Tag zusammen,

ich habe einen Ukrainischen Bekannten der gerne in Deutschland als Lkw Fahrer arbeiten möchte.

Er ist im Besitz eines deutschen Aufenthaltstitels, eines Ukrainischen Führerscheins und einer Ukrainischen Fahrerkarte.

Müsste er eine deutsche Fahrerkarte beantragen oder könnte er auch seine nutzen? Gibt es da Komplikationen beim auslesen der Karte im Falle einer Kontrolle?

Über eine Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen .

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1 year ago

How SirPeterGriffin you should ask the competent authority, not as a lay forum as this one. The question is too specific.

You can find such links on the Internet https://bmdv.bund.de/SharedDocs/DE/System/StV/auslaendische-fahrerlaubnise-merkblatt-aussex-eu-und-ewr-states.pdf?__blob=publicationFile, but it is also recommended to consult the specialist authority and that would then be the driving position of the place where the man is reported.

It would be quite lamentable, but logical, that he would need a German driver’s card and that the Ukrainian driver’s licence must also be rewritten to a German driver’s license. But this is only my opinion, which I cannot prove professionally.

1 year ago

My knowledge isn’t that easy because he needs a qualification as a professional driver. As Ukraine does not belong to the EU, it will not need such a thing there.

He may be private or in evtl. Work traffic even without driving. But not in commercial road transport.

Here as a supplement. It says:


By the way, I’m not a layman. I have learned BKF with IHK exam and have been driving trucks for many years in the freight traffic.

1 year ago

This question should be addressed to the competent body and not asked in a lay forum.