Dürfen Skalare lebendige Mehlwürmer essen?

Guten Abend, ich habe Drei Skalare in meinem Aquarium. Nun zu meiner spontanen Frage. Ich halte ebenso eine Bartagame und deshalb Mehlwürmer zuhause. Darf ich den Skalaren 1-2 geben?

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4 years ago

Scalers eat everything that fits in their mouth, including flour worms (if the scales are large enough). However, the chitin tank of the flourworms is not well digested for the fish, and also the nutrient content is not so large.

So, sometimes as a treat – nothing speaks about it. The worms should not be offered to fish more often.

4 years ago

Yeah, I can. We did that with a butterfly fish. But at most give 2-3 to each Skarlar once a week