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As long as they are recognizable as security people, they must and must stay on the train everywhere. Also in the first class. And it is not forbidden in this activity.
They will, however, give passengers priority to seats.
Greetings, i.e. in the service framework, for example, if you are allowed to accompany a train you are in the 1st. Keep up, sit down there is limitable, because they are eig.
Privately, they have to buy tickets like any other, although DB staff receive a certain number of free trips per year, they are valid in the rule but for the 2nd class.
Seats shall be released for paying passengers if necessary.
Why wouldn’t she do that? They keep up on the train and ensure safety. Also in the first class.
Well, I mean, if they don’t do anything, then?
stretch worker in orange – stretched – do not stand first class – because they can think better!
I think that’s not a envy question?
Sure, they’re making sure. It’s hardly possible in the absence.
Sure, they’re gonna be safe there. Most of the time they do nothing, they stand, sit or walk around.
Yes and now?
My question: Why not the first class?
It has to be protected and if I chose it, I would sit there as well
And are you in the first class??
This is in the employment contract.
Service yes
Also official not!
Officially no!
in UBK no one will throw you out!