Dürfen sich Kontrolleure während der Dienstzeit hinsetzen (z.b auf erste Klasse sitzte)?

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9 months ago

I’ve seen it in the dark that the inspectors have simply locked themselves in the leadership.

Such a driving car is almost automatically a turning train and there are always two cabs of which only one is in operation.

9 months ago

This should normally be regulated by the transport company with the inspection and safety personnel.

In the context of the exercise of the service, the stay in the first class can be useful anyway, because one might have a good overview from there or can process undisturbed personal data there or must also control it in the first class.

Whether it is possible for the examiners to also spend their break times in the first class depends more on the will of the commissioning transport company. I am aware of whether the transport alliances also have opportunities to speak.

I would only look at the problem if a passenger with a first-class ticket did not find a seat in the first class because there were already inspectors sitting there, although there were more free seats in the second class. Then you could politely appeal the inspectors and complain if you want.

9 months ago

In individual IC/EC, even seats are reserved for the train staff. In the past, most of the trains carried a baggage car, so they could stay in this car.

9 months ago

The staff of the train will sit everywhere if the work is allowed. We’re not here for pleasure.

And I also set myself to every free space in Business Class if nothing is to be done.

9 months ago

Of course they can…

In contrast to the passengers, so also to you, they are at their workplace and go to their duties as their servant expects of them….

For example, they prevent passengers who only paid for the “second class” from entering the “first class” to their advantage….

In one of your comments, you write “…..legally nothing wrong, pity…”

That sounds almost like regret that you couldn’t complain about him….

9 months ago

Yes, they can.

You don’t.

And if he makes you aware, that’s his job. You should learn something from it instead of trying to patch something to him.

Go inside and be ashamed.

9 months ago
Reply to  Weasley9

Your excuses are too late