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it is not generally forbidden, so they are likely to, but the organizer decides, so there are tournaments there you can and there are which one is forbidden.
how do you ask it or who do you ask?
and for music there is a handy and head-hearted so if allowed?
if you want to sign up or sign up to the tournament, just ask what is allowed.
The organizer decides when you go to the tournament, then ask if it is allowed if no leave the headphones in the pocket.
and, of course, the staff who work as a supervisor there has the right to point to you, do not do it, come the arbitrator and you escape, and your starting money is gone.
ok and who decides it, doesn’t have to let everyone tell me what, or
In the technical possibilities available today for manipulation, hardly.
How do others know that nobody whispers you?
Anyway, I wouldn’t shock with such a person.
you can implant yourself into the brain soon with the internet connecten etc
how to prevent anyone
Yes, but only “The winner takes it all” by ABBA,
“The gambler” by Kenny Rogers and “Viva Las Vegas”
by Frank Sinatra.
you may not be