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3 years ago

Yes / No

Depending on the view.

Foreign horses in principle, NO!

For horses where all possible people take care of it, also rather no.(Reitschulpferde, Ponyhoftiere, etc.)

With your own horse, any owner can keep as he likes, but should really keep the quantities under control.( Even with an RB, you should significantly reduce the amount)

Both make sick in long and high quantities. Also in rough amounts immediately.

3 years ago
Reply to  StRiW

it doesn’t even need “rough quantities”.

a free sample energy müsli from the ride shop is enough for a dartmoor pony for a deadly move. that goes so fast that you can no longer stop the harp rotation.

3 years ago
Reply to  pony

For that reason, never feed foreign horses and RBs should not be at the chuck screws.

Feed masters are usually worth at least 3 times. Saves a lot of veterinarian and animal costs.

3 years ago

It’s like asking people to eat nuts.

Basically determined – and then there are those who have a nut allergy. So not flat “all”.

That is why:

Yes and no. Come on. When it comes to foreign horses (so those who do not belong to you, so probably every horse in your case), the owner is asked before. Otherwise a clear no.

There are horses that can die by an apple or a tube.

3 years ago

In principle, carrots and apples are in small quantities and are well suited for in between – but there are horses/ponies/cabins, which can damage health and death. Therefore, please never feed a horse without the owner’s consent, no matter what!

The horse of my cousin, e.g., was on a sand paddock after successfully surpassed Kolik-OP, while the other horses were next to it on the grass. The paddock can be seen from the road, not the heath in it. Ergo thought a good man, he must feed the horse (with apples, carrots, …) because the poor animal is standing there alone, must not be on the meadow and starving…. Unfortunately, the following new colic did not survive the mare.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hjalti

Uff :

3 years ago


if there are not yours and the owner has not expressly given permission, they must not eat anything.

you cannot feed horses in principle. that makes the owner or the caregiver.

but at least you ask – and that’s good.

comment image

my pony went on to feed.

3 years ago

Of course, the horses are allowed in the whole, but if it’s not yours, I would ask the owner again if they also wear it. :

3 years ago

Some yes, some no.
Always ask the owner beforehand!
In the worst case, the horse can die.

3 years ago


3 years ago
Reply to  Einhorn264

No. This is on the horse

3 years ago
Reply to  ChampagneLady

Yes but most may

3 years ago

But there is horse that develop really lethal disorders through a tube.

3 years ago

What pre-disorder? I don’t know a horse that doesn’t eat carrots.

3 years ago

Since the owners do not want it,

because the animal has already received too much,

because the animal has an unknown pre-disorder.

3 years ago


3 years ago

With many, the owners would also be well advised to acquire competence if they wanted to keep them.

3 years ago

Not necessarily

3 years ago

It is often the opposite