Are employees allowed to purchase from wholesalers even if they do not have a business?

I'm just asking out of curiosity. As a private individual, you don't normally have the opportunity to purchase there. That's only possible if you have a business. What's the situation with wholesale employees?

I work in a supermarket. A former colleague of mine now works in wholesale. So I think employees are definitely allowed to shop there.

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6 months ago

I’m sure she has possibilities.

And you have to have a trade, for example, a function in a sports club. They are also allowed to shop there, the board can apply for a card there.

If you know someone with card, the DIr is allowed to issue a power of attorney, you come in with his card.

6 months ago

the staff have such an entrance ticket in the REgel. Ask the supervisor if he’ll show you one. Most of them. I also have an “exchange.” My friend is an employee in a forwarding. She also has this ID.

6 months ago

Wouldn’t it be easier to ask your ex colleague?