Dürfen meine Eltern das verbieten?

Guten Tag ich bin m16 und meine Eltern verbieten mir Urlaub zu nehmen wenn sie keinen Urlaub haben. Dürfen sie das? Ich hab doch ein Recht auf meinen eigenen Urlaub und möchte auch alleine darüber bestimmen können.

Dürfen sie das?

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1 year ago

They’re not allowed to forbid you.

Since they still have the right to stay, they may forbid you to travel during your holiday.

They may also forgive you to stay at home in their apartment alone. Your apartment, they determine.

from therefore it can be circumstance for you to Zwickmühlen.

Is the question whether this would always work with the same holiday at all. After all, the lesson must be because you are usually not allowed to miss during school. Then you have extra days for minors, so you could have more than your parents. And then there are still operational reasons that speak against a holiday (no substitute).

1 year ago

In order to make a holiday request with your employer, you do not need the parents’ consent.

Consequently, they must not.

You don’t have to tell them when you took vacation.

1 year ago

As an azuub you can only take a holiday anyway – then your parents are supposed to make their holiday.

That this doesn’t always work – parents have to get used to it. When parents work and you have vacation – take cooking and household, where is the problem.

If you don’t want to travel with the parents anymore, I could understand this, but you have to convince them. Here you have to find a solution together.

10 months ago

They must not forbid the purchase, but a lot of other things because they are no longer subject to maintenance.

If you hear too loud music, they can throw you out or ask you to either pull out or pay your money right away. In the same way, they can harass you through the ban on washing machines, let you buy your food yourself or be loud when you want to sleep.

You are in charge of your apartment and are therefore sitting on the longer lever.

1 year ago

They can hardly forbid you to drive away, though.

1 year ago

When you want to take a holiday (being an apprentice only during school holidays) they must not.

But they may forbid you to drive somewhere on holiday that they still have the right to stay.

This is not allowed in Schikane (no you are not going to the neighboring city 20 kilometres away. But a no, you don’t drive to your distance relationship for 5 days or to Berlin, is ok