Dürfen Kinder Sachen im Restaurant bestellen wo Wein drinnen ist.?
Wir gehen morgen essen und ich hab auf der Karte gesehen das viele Speisen Wein und so drinnen ist 🙆♂️ darf ich das trotzdem bestellen. Ich bin 12🤟
Wir gehen morgen essen und ich hab auf der Karte gesehen das viele Speisen Wein und so drinnen ist 🙆♂️ darf ich das trotzdem bestellen. Ich bin 12🤟
Es soll Lachs Sahne Gratin geben. Das hätte auf 100 Gramm 201 Kalorien. Pro Portion (226 Gramm) 454 Kalorien. Ist damit nur die Soße gemeint? Oder auch schon der Fisch und vlt Reis?
Also ist das nicht irgendwie chemisches zeug und überflüssig und ungesund?
Egal wo drauf
Meines sind die Lippen Produkte. 🙂 LG
Mostly the wine is used as a spice in a sauce. The quantities are so small that it is not a problem.
For example, if it’s a flambient banana that was in high-percent alcohol for weeks, you might not get it. Fruit sorbets with sparkling wine are also such a case. I guess you’ll just get the sorbet, but for that at a lower price.
Ok calibre️ I think I understand
You can at least try. Whether it is served you is a different question and can be very individual, as it is important to adjust the staff.
😃 ok cool
The view, possibly. To get alcohol?
You think that’s cool?
the food is only tasted with wine, these are very small amounts in it, of which you will not get drunk
I didn’t say, but thank you.
I think that’s just you.
but your answer reads as if there were lots of alcohol to be done,
No, but I can order it🤷
Yes you can the alcohol anzeil is hot boiled and the amounts are not great that is used for seasoning
👍 cool thanks.
In most dishes the alcohol is cooked from wine, so that should not be a problem
have taken something else but after that, no one has said anything
All right.
The wine, boiled in the sauce and, no alcohol, in the roast sauce.
Where I know, I learn cooking and baking at my grandma 😉.
Ahso splitter️ cool but then ordered a snare 😅
When used in sauces of wine, it is safe, because the alcohol flies during cooking, it only remains the taste.
Ahso ️ Then good
Jein, when boiled in a closed pot, which is common with sauces, no alcohol is inflicted.
You may have the wine cooked in the food. I’ll give you a check.
Ok🤘 Can I Do
There are no significant quantities in it.
Wine grapes etc
But is wine🤷