Dürfen eure Kinder rauchen?

Wenn ihr Kinder habt, dürfen diese schon Zigaretten rauchen wenn sie wollen? Oder ab wann sagt ihr sind sie alt genug dazu das sie sich der gefahren bewusst sind? Ab wann haben eure Kinder angefangen. Habt ihr es mit ihrem zusammen gemacht oder haben sie heimlich geraucht und ihr habt es später herausgefunden. Wie habt ihr reagiert?

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1 year ago

My daughter smokes. She’s 14 and just started secretly. I accidentally noticed. Since prohibitions are not enough to smoke, I have allowed her. My parents met me with understanding and not with pussy and bans. I’ll find 14 a bit early, but I couldn’t pick it up.

1 year ago

I certainly had the influence that my children became smokers. They told me they were interested. Of course we had “the conversation,” I had to make sure that they understood the possible consequences before I allowed it. This is now 10 years ago and they are both regular smokers and regular smokers. When my daughter and I meet for coffee drink, sometimes with my daughter-in-law, we definitely enjoy our common cigarette.

1 year ago

Not even my husband is allowed to smoke – I will not allow my potential children.

1 year ago

As far as I know my kids don’t smoke. Of course I wouldn’t allow them. If they do it secretly, I couldn’t do much about it. But I hope that we have done so much right in education that they never begin this nonsense.

1 year ago

I smoke– unfortunately really to my big shame! I have taken care of being a sufficiently negative example so that my youngsters will never start with it and was apparently successful at least until now.

1 year ago

My daughter is 14 and already smokes properly – also publicly. It also has a very ripe effect and already inhales on lungs. My best friend has just let her daughter start. They want to copy us and many need cigarettes at the age. Think if they ever found favors, you can’t prevent it. Mine also has a right to smoke at home and also regularly takes a cigarette. After getting up in the morning, she grabs the cigarette and posing and inhaling next to me on the balcony.

1 year ago

Do not have children but as soon as they are 18 they can do what they want

If they started with 15 etc., I would talk to them but you can’t forbid it in the end defect anyway, have no influence on what they drive outside

1 year ago

If my son had 26 years of smoking, I wouldn’t talk to him.

Of course not in the house.

But he’s smart enough not to smoke

1 year ago

My daughter has been smoking for a few months. I prefer she makes it open and honest than she does it secretly. Meanwhile, I got used to it and enjoy smoking with her.

1 year ago
Reply to  HHaannnnaahh88

Smoothing mom and daughter together, I find good, and your argument and attitude too

1 year ago

you can ban eh nix

1 year ago

I wouldn’t allow my children