Dürfen E-Roller überall abgestellt werden?

Ich habe kein Handy und kann die Dinger nicht nutzen. Mich ärgert, dass sie überall herumstehen, auch mitten auf dem Gehweg. Darf das sein? Und wie werden die wiedergefunden? Haben die einen eingebauten Sender, oder woher weiß man, wo die Roller stehen, die irgendwo in der Wildnis abgestellt wurden?

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3 years ago

They can be located.

It is called clipp and clear “Do not obstruct roads or walkways and are not placed on private land”. There are also punishments for non-respect. At Bolt you have to make a picture of where the scooter is.

If things are in the way, not the Scooter’s fault, but people who care about it when they hinder others.

3 years ago
Reply to  Reigel

I don’t think they’re controlling every picture. I suspect that the picture is there that the driver does not have to pay a penalty if he corrects it and then someone else comes and lifts the scooter up and turns it around

3 years ago

Yes, they can. Ever heard of GPS?

3 years ago
Reply to  Lyxa2139

No. For some time, collection points have been introduced in certain cities where these e-rollers have to be put back. Otherwise we only have the same SAustall everywhere as in some children’s rooms with the toy.