Dürfen Busfahrer nach der Endstation Leute mitnehmen?


Ich schreibe gerade auf Wattpad ein Buch. Gerade hat sich die Hauptperson verfahren. Daher muss ich wissen, ob ein Busfahrer auch nachdem er seine Endstation erreicht hat, noch Leute mitnehmen darf, wenn sie sich beispielsweise verfahren haben.

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8 months ago

If the bus goes back as a bus, that’s not a problem.

It becomes more interesting when the bus ends.

On the train, this is the case that passengers would no longer be insured, so that they can no longer be taken back, even if the return journey is exactly the same route.

Some riders still make this out of kindness, but then they themselves bear the risk.

8 months ago

whether he has to or may… in my school time it was often so that the bus driver didn’t want children to go to the end station where I lived, and then sit down and have left the same way. I don’t know if this has to be or should be so strict, but it also depends on your bus driver whether he should be nice or suspicious.

In other words, just write it as it would fit for your story and try not to see it as dogmatic.

8 months ago

If he goes back, he is allowed to take it back (I have done it before). Sometimes you have to get out for the break, or you may have to solve a new ticket.

8 months ago

This happens more often here. Line 52 Central stop further than 22 Glößa.

8 months ago

Sounds illogical. When the bus arrives at the end station, the bus driver has either the evening or he returns the same route.

In the first case, if he wants this, he can drive the person to their destination in his private car, in the second case he can only take it back. But especially because of a person who has moved, the person will drive by bus to where she actually wanted to go, he must not, of course.

8 months ago
Reply to  putzfee1

He doesn’t have at the end station, only at the factory railway. The tour to the farm is an empty trip without passengers. There are still riders who violate rules and take someone.

8 months ago
Reply to  Ohmger

Right, you’re right.

8 months ago

If he returns on schedule and the passenger has or buys a ticket, he may.

On “operational journeys” (these are trips that are not in the schedule but are necessary for operation), this can be different. In this case, the driver is not allowed to take with me during the bus operation. The driver must pay a penalty even if he gets caught (even if he leaves someone on the way, where there is no stop).

8 months ago

Where? Buses usually take a round or swing back and forth. If you have a general ticket, you can drive around the whole day if you want.

8 months ago

And even if not – do not miss the bus driver a nice character and let him take it. Can write something about it – “Despite a different kind of work instructions, Klaus-Dieter decided…”

8 months ago
Reply to  T3Fahrer

I think