Dürfen Arbeitslosengeld-Empfänger und Sozialhilfe-Empfänger „Glücksspiele“ spielen?

Dürfen Menschen, die Arbeitslosengeld oder Sozialhilfe erhalten, im Casino Glücksspiele spielen? Rein theoretisch ist das ja schwarz dazu verdientes Geld, was einem solchen ja eigentlich nicht erlaubt ist.

Weiß das jemand?

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10 months ago

ALG – 1 from the Employment Agency is not a problem because it is not a labour income.

If, however, social benefits such as public money are covered by the job centre or social welfare office, profits must be reported unrequired and appropriate proof must be provided in copy.

These profits would then be considered to be inferior to other incomes.

10 months ago
Reply to  isomatte

Just don’t matter, especially if it’s cash.

10 months ago
Reply to  herzilein35

Because you do it like that?

10 months ago
Reply to  herzilein35

For example, a winning lottery will not be paid in cash from a certain amount, which is also gambling.

If, of course, it is paid out in cash, it is difficult to prove.

Whether it’s being reported or not on everyone’s own and if not, you have to count on the concessions, it should come out sometime.

10 months ago
Reply to  isomatte

Thank you for your star!

10 months ago

I’m not playing games

10 months ago

There may be an anonymous hint and the job center will follow, for example, when it comes to a partner who does not fit a neighbor and does not know a roommate to the job center.

But this one at the job center reports that the partner lives in the apartment, as a rule, the job center also goes after, even if nothing is done at the end.

10 months ago

The question is just how to get out if you don’t get too stupid. But there are such and such.

10 months ago

Purely theoretically, this is the black money that is earned, which is actually not allowed to such.

Black earned money is only if you don’t give it to JobCenter as income.

If you presume – conceal – it is black money and that is not only actually allowed, but basically not allowed. the secret.

10 months ago

even indirectly provided for in budget

Please note points 2 and 10. This, of course, does not mean that you have to pay the money as a guarantee recipient.

Only every receipt must be registered. even if only 2 €. Two girlfriends from me sometimes draw rubbishless when they win 2, 5 or 10 €, is honestly not given.

  1. Food, beverages, confectionery: 195.35 euros (34.7 percent).
  2. Leisure, entertainment and culture: 54.92 euros (9.76 percent).
  3. Transport: 50.49 Euro (8.97 percent).
  4. Post and telecommunications: EUR 50.33 (8.94 per cent).
  5. Apartment rentals, energy and housing maintenance: 47.71 Euro (8.84 percent).
  6. Clothing, shoes: 46.71 Euro (8.3 percent).
  7. Other goods and services: EUR 44.93 (7.98 per cent).
  8. Interior equipment, household appliances and household items, current budget management: 34.28 Euro (6.09 percent).
  9. Health care: 21.48 euros (3.82 percent).
  10. Accommodation and restaurant services: 14.70 Euro (2.61 percent).
  11. Education: EUR 2.03 (0.36 percent).
10 months ago

Of course they can. Like other people.

However, profits must be reported to the social service provider.

black earned money, which is actually not allowed to such.


10 months ago
Reply to  DasOrakel

Doesn’t matter because cash cannot be controlled

10 months ago

You can play, but you must specify the winnings. That should be logical.

10 months ago
Reply to  elefant4671

SGB II – Benefits are not taxes. The profit would also be to be given if they were to receive “increasing” civic money.

10 months ago
Reply to  elefant4671

The question refers to civic money recipients and whether you have to give it to the job center – I referred to this. Yes, it must be specified at the job center. For tax questions, please ask a new question 🙂 It confused otherwise unnecessary future readers.

10 months ago

Of course you can play gambling. Only the profits you would have to give, of course, depending on how high they are:P

10 months ago

When receiving unemployment benefit, there is no restriction on what you do with your money; when receiving civil or social assistance. … has already been answered!

10 months ago

Of course they can. If they lose everything, they must starve.

10 months ago

Of course, they may, but it must be reported to the employment office as (once) income / donation.

10 months ago
