Dürfe meine Eltern mich dazu zwingen?
Meine Eltern zwingen mich zu einer Aktivität in meiner Freizeit, die ich eigentlich nicht machen will. Dürfen sie dass? Ich habe eigentlich klipp und klar nein gesagt, da mir dass nach der Schule Zuviel wird.Sie akzeptieren dass aber nicht.(circa eine Stunde zwischen Schulende und Beginn der Aktivität, in der Zeit muss ich Hausaufgaben machen mit dem Bus heimfahren, Mittagessen und vor Ort kommen)
Eure coconut 🌴🥥
It’s up to it. If it serves your health, for example sports, because you are otherwise a mare stool… yes. Definitely. Your parents are responsible for your well-being and if you can’t do this yourself, because you’ve got something else in your mind, that’s just pillepalle, they’ll have to force you.
It would be nicer if you had a compromise and you might have seen a certain thing.
Thank you. Yes a compromise would definitely be more beautiful… I’ll talk to my parents. Yeah okay on vacation I was really a gourmet but with school time it will change because I am with the scouts and play an instrument. Personally, I would rather play handball once a week a day where I might have shorter school.
Then suggest them. Hopefully it will end immediately.
I must. Must be tennis even if I don’t want to. I don’t know if they’re allowed to do this, but they’re allowed to.
Okay 👍
As long as you’re underage, your parents will determine your daily routine. Point. As long as no laws are violated, you will have to add convincing arguments or seek new parents.
Thank you ☺️, new parents I certainly don’t look 😂, my are perfect
Then everything’s fine? 🙂
Don’t worry if they can.
If you just don’t go after you said you didn’t want to do it anymore, they can make quite little.
Okay, thanks
If you don’t fight, you live wrong. What activity is it?
I have already answered above, nevertheless thank you 🙏
Swimming? – this is very beneficial for your body. Then register at the handball, and see if this is true, then swim.