Durchschnittszahl von Plätzen im Flugzeug?!

Ich brauche einfach nur einen ungefähren Wert. Ich finde leider immer nur Sachen zu dem und dem Flugzeug, ich habe aber ebensowenig finden können welches das meistgenutzte Flugzeug ist. Ich habe vieles gefunden, nur diese Sachen nicht.

Ich habe jetzt so gedacht 150 Plätze wären so der Durchschnitt. Egal ob Lufthansa, AirBerlin, Condor und welches Unternehmen auch immer. Stimmt das so in etwa?

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10 years ago


what does the “most used” aircraft have to do with the thirsty number of seats? On the one hand, I can’t understand the matter – what do you need the average? – and on the other hand, “mostly…” and “average” somehow exclude.

OK, but the Internet provides (almost) all a help. Under


you find. the seating of the 2 versions of the A330 that were flown to LH. You can calculate the average for yourself.

The same procedure goes for other types of aircraft and almost all the airlines in the world. It’s just a bleeding task.

At Airberlin or LH, you can also look into the respective business report or fleet job. This may even be even faster. At LH you get all types of passage (incl. Reginal and Germanwings) with reference to the seating per aircraft version:


But the nutritional value of the question is still not clear to me. Maybe there is more information when you say what you need the information.

10 years ago

200 easy, with the tripple 7 400 alone already

10 years ago

So some aircraft have only one seat (besides drones, they have no one) and others have over 300 seats. The average would then be 300+1+0/3=100,33

9 years ago

An aircraft always has a maximum number of passengers, i.e. the maximum number of persons for which the aircraft is designed (e.g. by safety requirements, because the aircraft must be evacuated quickly in case of emergency, etc.)

There is also the typical seating, which is usually below the maximum permissible number of passengers. This is why most airlines don’t just want to pack the plane as full as it is, but offer seats in several classes (typically Economy, Business and First Class). Since the higher classes consume more space, the maximum seat number is then also lower.

Example Airbus A321-200:.
The aircraft is approved by the Air Safety Authority for a maximum of 220 passengers. In the typical configurations (3 classes), the aircraft holds 185 people (you can read here:http://www.airbus-a321-200.html)

The difference with the A380 is even greater: The A380-800 is designed for up to 853 people, for example, Emirates has just 500 seats built in.

10 years ago

Well, that’s not really what you can say…the question is what machines you count all…if you count small private airplanes (á la Cessna) then you won’t come to 150 seats…I think that’s still a bad idea when you count all turboprops (so Bombardier Dash 8 &co). If you’re just looking at the jets, that’ll fit. I think the most frequently used machines (in the jet class) are the A320 family (A318-A321) and the Boeing 737’er;) if you want to make exact numbers, you must try a little more google;) somewhere the numbers will be determined at least for German-alnd;)

10 years ago

It’s impossible to generalize it! It depends on the class. Regional and short-haul aircraft usually have 30-150 seats, medium-haul aircraft 100-200, long-haul jets 200-400 and B747 and A-380 about 350-550.