Durchmachen oder nicht?

Ich weiss das drogen sehr schlecht sind aber ich hab von gestern bis heute 0.5g koka gezogen und bin irgendwie leicht unruhig und wach und kann nicht schlafen. Später wollten Freunde mich noch treffen.

soll ich jetzt einfach durchmachen oder wäre das zu gefährlich?

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2 years ago

Depending on that, I would say. Strong sleep withdrawal can put your body out of edge and band, hallucinations can occur that you can no longer distinguish from reality. In combination with cocaine, psychotic conditions can be used. So, if you’re planning to go back and go through with your friend, I’d recommend you to sleep, but if we’re talking here only from a maximum of 24 to 36h, that’s not a problem.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

It is not conscientious, but it is not dangerous. Just don’t take anything anymore and listen to your body…

2 years ago

Hello, the drug consulting seems to be competent here. Pure coke is dangerous, the stretched dirt from the black market is only right.

If this is true, see my demand. Makes like a fake question if you ask elsewhere what coke looks like.

2 years ago

Ask yourself how the soldiers in the Second World War managed to “enter” for days under Pervitin and in permanent fire.

Anyone who consumes drugs and does not prioritise any side effects is not mature enough for drug use.

2 years ago
Reply to  aXXLJ

In the war, there was no more or less on a soldier. If someone’s fucked, it didn’t scratch.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dackodil

So it is the same as in the war against drugs with its -thousand dead..
“Can’t sleep” is the smaller evil.

2 years ago


Performing is not dangerous as long as you sleep properly after your noise