Slump during therapy?
Is it normal to have a slump during psychotherapy?
What is the best way to deal with this?
Is it normal to have a slump during psychotherapy?
What is the best way to deal with this?
Hello, since my pregnancy I have had constant problems down there. I have tried many different vaginal suppositories but it does not get better. Either my vagina smells like fish or when I have sex with my partner it smells really disgusting like garbage. I've been to my doctor many times and she doesn't find…
These people are good at putting on a show to gain advantages in life. I think narcissists are among them, too.
Hi, I am F15 years old and 186 cm tall. I exercise 4-5 times a week and suffer from binge eating. I have always enjoyed eating a lot, but I am of normal weight. For example, during school, I don't eat anything until 1 p.m., and then after school, I have binge eating episodes where…
So, two months ago, I put on a 37.5 mg patch and was high for two and a half days. If I had more, I'd probably do it again. Until now, the opioid fentanyl was primarily known from the United States. Random samples show that it has now also arrived in Germany. One reason could…
Hey I always dream about so much crap. Especially crap that's emotionally draining/painful. And I want it to stop. Is the only way to avoid this by not sleeping, or is there something herbal that limits dreaming? (THC doesn't do anything in this regard) For me, it's probably about things I'm working through in my…
Why do I always start crying and shaking when I am yelled at? I don't understand. When someone shouts at me (no matter who) I immediately start to cry and shake and I just don't understand why
Talk to the therapist about it. Otherwise, my advice is to continue and not give up.
Das ist normal, je mehr man mit der “Wahrheit, was einen belastet” konfrontiert wird, auf der Suche nach den Ursachen ist und es in die Tiefe geht, hat man auch mal einen Fluchtreflex, oder keine Lust mehr weiter zu machen.
Wichtig ist, dass man das den Therapeuten wissen lässt, man tut es ja für sich nicht für den Therapeuten. Man darf auch Kritik üben, wenn einem die Art der Therapie nicht gefällt, bekommt.
Eine Therapie ist kein Spaziergang, man wird in seinem Innersten aufgewühlt und das muss man erst mal verarbeiten.
Alles Gute für Dich.
Wenn Deine Ansprüche mit Deiner momentanen Verfassung nicht vereinbar sind, kann das frustrieren.
Vieles ist weder schnell noch kurzfristig umsetzbar und manches kapiert man tatsächlich erst später
Normal schon. Da hilft nur weiter machen, nicht aufgeben