Durchfall von Shakes hab ich vielleicht Laktose?
Ich trink seit einer Woche ab und an mal die Shakes von YFood die ja echt gesund sind jedoch fällt mir auf das ich die Woche über Durchfall hatte kann es sein dass es wegen den Shakes kommt ? Oder ich einfach Milch nicht vertage? Bin am überlegen ein Laktose Test zu machen weil es echt nicht sein kann das ich in einer Woche jeden Tag Durchfall hatte und 4-5 Shakes diese Woche getrunken hab
In the consumption of liquid milk products it is possible to react with diarrhea even if no lactose intolerance is present. Especially in the case of larger amounts in a short time on sober stomach, this is happening.
Sucralose in these quantities produces bloating and diarrhea
What exactly is sucralose? Drink a shake daily
Please read the ingredients by
No one can tell you what’s going on in your 4 letters. Lactose intolerance would be possible but perhaps also fruit sugar or just an infect and it was randomly simultaneous or things have become warm. There’s a lot to think about.
Otherwise, buy a normal milk and see if you have to run again.
Your guess is leveraged by using yfood lactose-free milk.
It’s not necessarily healthy.
Maybe you just have Yfood.
they are really healthy
Says who?
Then check if you don’t get these shakes or normal milk.
Lactose is not a disease, lactose is lactose.
What you mean is lactose intolerance.
Please feed well balanced and do not purchase your nutrients via such beverages.
It’s more like it’s super unhealthy garbage.
Bruh, they’re not healthy. You better buy Huel. Isz also vegan, then lactose is not a problem