Durch Zyste brennen beim Wasserlassen?

Hi Leute,

der Frauenarzt hat eine Eierstockzyste bei mir festgestellt. Ungefähr zum gleichen Zeitpunkt habe ich manchmal brennen beim Wasser lassen ( meistens am Ende) oder auch mal so ein brennen in der scheide oder nh Stunde nachdem ich auf Klo war. Ist nicht gleich immer. Bauchschmerzen im Bereich der Eierstöcke habe ich aber nicht. Glaubt ihr dass das brennen in der scheide mit der Zyste Zusammenhängen kann?

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2 years ago

No, I think it’s more like bladder inflammation, I’d like to go to the doctor who can tell you this within 5 minutes. Good improvement

2 years ago
Reply to  Lisaweiss707

In the pharmacy there are Combur5, you can quickly test yourself if there is a bubble inflammation

2 years ago
Reply to  Bambi6996

Well, there’s nothing to do if you can’t do anything against it. Why don’t you spend unnecessary money if the doctor knows best what you need

2 years ago

Everyone is different, wouldn’t take anything on their own. Except zb cranberry to prevent. My bladder inflammation is only noticeable when I need antibiotics, this is immediately burning at the first and this is also the only thing that unfortunately helps me. Shades not to go to the doctor

2 years ago

You can’t do anything against bladder infection without prescription drugs? That’s new to me.

if it is already too advanced then usually only one antibiotic helps.

I have always been able to cure my bladder infections up to two times.
I felt as a teenager 30 times plowing

2 years ago

Hm would rather look for an infection. Did the doctor ever make a smear of the urethra?

Various SÜK can also trigger cysts

2 years ago
Reply to  667382919374

Sexually transmitted diseases

Yes of course he can, for that he is there

2 years ago

Sounds more like a beginning bladder inflammation.